Jhourlad Estrella
Jhourlad Estrella

Reputation: 3670

Zend Framework 2: How to properly replace Figlet with reCaptcha on zfcUser

I am trying to replace Figlet with reCaptcha on a zfcUser registration form. Partial instruction on how to accomplish this can be found on https://github.com/ZF-Commons/ZfcUser#changing-registration-captcha-element but no complete instruction exists.

Checking the README.md file has a two-step instruction on how to accomplish this but still the CAPTCHA uses Figlet when rendered on the form.

Has anyone successfully implemented this? I really need a hand on this one.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: Here is a proven working solution I developed:

1. Add to composer.json

// Add the lines below under the "require" element:
    "require": {
        "php": ">=5.3.3",
        "zendframework/zendframework": ">2.2.0rc1",
        "zendframework/zendservice-recaptcha": "2.*"


2. Goto to your project's ZF2 installation directory and execute this command:

php composer.phar update

3. Replace or Create config/autoload/database.global.php with:

$config = array(
    'dbdriver' => 'pdo',
    'dbhost' => 'localhost',
    'dbport' => '3306',
    'dbname' => 'CHANGEME',
    'dbuser' => 'CHANGEME',
    'dbpass' => 'CHANGEME',

return array(
    'service_manager' => array(
        'factories' => array(
            'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory',
    'db' => array(
        'driver'    => 'pdo',
        'dsn'       => 'mysql:dbname='.$config['dbname'].';host='.$config['dbhost'],
        'username'  => $config['dbuser'],
        'password'  => $config['dbpass'],

4: Execute this on your mySQL server:

    `username` VARCHAR(255) DEFAULT NULL UNIQUE,
    `display_name` VARCHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL,
    `password` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,

5. Create/Replace config/autoload/recaptcha.global.php with:


return array(
    'zfcuser' => array(
        'form_captcha_options' => array(
            'class'   => 'Zend\Captcha\ReCaptcha',
            'options' => array(
                'privkey' => RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY,
                'pubkey'  => RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY,

    'di'=> array(
                'recaptcha_element' => 'Zend\Form\Element\Captcha',

            'ZfcUser\Form\Register' => array(
                'parameters' => array(

6. Create/Replace config/autoload/zfcuser.global.php with:

$settings = array(    
    'enable_registration' => true,
    'enable_username' => true,
    'auth_adapters' => array( 100 => 'ZfcUser\Authentication\Adapter\Db' ),
    'enable_display_name' => false,
    'auth_identity_fields' => array( 'email' ),
    'use_registration_form_captcha' => true,
    'user_login_widget_view_template' => 'zfc-user/user/login.phtml',

return array(
    'zfcuser' => $settings,
    'service_manager' => array(
        'aliases' => array(
            'zfcuser_zend_db_adapter' => (isset($settings['zend_db_adapter'])) ? $settings['zend_db_adapter']: 'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter',

7. Navigate to http://yourdomain.com/user

8. Enjoy! :)

Upvotes: 4

Views: 1845

Answers (1)

Aydin Hassan
Aydin Hassan

Reputation: 1475

This is how I did it, it might not be the best or correct way but it worked for me:

Add the recaptcha service to your composer.json file:

"require": {
    "Zendframework/zendservice-recaptcha": "2.*"

Run composer to get the service. Then you need to specify the ReCaptcha config. I created a separate config file to store the ReCaptcha keys:

return array(
    'zfcuser' => array(
        'form_captcha_options' => array(
            'options' => array(
                'privkey' => RECAPTCHA_PRIVATE_KEY,   
                'pubkey'  => RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC_KEY,

Then ZfcUser captcha config looks like so, telling it to use the ReCaptcha service:

'form_captcha_options' => array(
    'class'   => 'Zend\Captcha\ReCaptcha',
    'options' => array(
        'wordLen'    => 6,
        'expiration' => 300,
        'timeout'    => 300,


You don't need the recaptcha.global.php. You can call the config file whatever you like aslong as it ends with .global.php or .local.php. You usually name things .local.php when you don't want them in version control.

In this case I named the file zfcuser.local.php because all it does is store the ReCaptcha keys and I didn't want them in version control.

All the config files get merged in to one array when the application is started. So basically, ignore the ZfcUser documentation. Or maybe someone else can explain how to get it working that way.

The third block of code is the zfcuser.global.php.

Upvotes: 3

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