Reputation: 2140
I have a value stored in a table with the results of a multiple choice answer. The choices look similar to this:
Allergy 1
Cardiology 2
Chest Disease 4
Dermatology 8
Dialysis 16
Emergency Room 32
Ambulance Trips 64
Gastroenterology 128
General Medicine 256
General Surgery 512
Gynecology 1024
Hematology 2048
Methadone 4096
Neurology 8192
Neurosurgery 16384
Obstetrics 32768
Ophthalmology 65536
Orthopedics 131072
Physical Therapy 262144
Plastic Surgery 524288
Podiatry 1048576
Proctology 2097152
Psychiatry 4194304
Surgery Performed 8388608
Thoracic Surgery 16777216
Urology 33554432
Outside X-Rays 67108864
Diagnostic Test(outside) 134217728
Other Trips/Outside Consults 268435456
When someone fills out the answer, the answer/value is stored something like below:
id form_record form_item value entered_date
-------------------- ----------- ----------- -------------------- -----------------------
376418 17453 2943 1114241 2013-05-23 09:56:06.000
376889 17475 2943 1056896 2013-05-23 11:00:06.000
So when I try to see if the what users selected, for example, Neurology
, today I do something like this:
fa.value & 8192 as 'Neurology'
form_records fr
inner join form_names fn on = fr.form_Name
inner join form_items fi on = fi.form_name
inner join form_answers fa on = fa.form_record
and fa.form_item =
where like '%Consultation Review Form%'
and dateadd(dd, 0, datediff(dd, 0, = dateadd(dd, 0, datediff(dd, 0, getdate()))
My results are this:
(2 row(s) affected)
I know that the seconduser that completed this answer, selected Neurology
, but the first user that completed this answer, did not select Neurology
What am trying to do is get a count for the day of the number of Neurology
By doing this:
count(fa.value & 8192) as 'Neurology'
Returns 2
. I'd like it to return 1
Upvotes: 1
Views: 153
Reputation: 432742
count(NULLIF(fa.value & 1, 0)) as 'Neurology'
This changes "no match" to NULL and COUNT will ignore NULLs.
Upvotes: 3