Reputation: 6378
I was starting reading this tutorial to utilize crystal reports
I'm facing this situation, in a stored procedure I have to set some parameters to get the query. So I supposed I need to set the dataSource in runtime, but I have no idea about how to send the stored procedure result to crystal reports and show it in runtime (because until I know, if you want to display something in it, you have to import it and select the fields that you want to place it.
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1679
Reputation: 484
first make new form for crystal viewre.. add crystal viewer in it..
add this code in that form
public void ShowForm(DataSet pDataSet)
CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo ConnInfo = new CrystalDecisions.Shared.ConnectionInfo();
ReportDocument RepDoc = new ReportDocument();
RepDoc.Load(ReportPath With Rpt name);
TableLogOnInfo TableLogOnInfo;
ConnInfo.ServerName = ServerName;
ConnInfo.DatabaseName = ServerDBName;
ConnInfo.UserID = ServerDBUserName;
ConnInfo.Password = ServerDBPassWord;
foreach (Table TableInRep in RepDoc.Database.Tables)
TableLogOnInfo = TableInRep.LogOnInfo;
TableLogOnInfo.ConnectionInfo = ConnInfo;
CryViewer.ReportSource = RepDoc;
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 2111
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using CrystalDecisions.Web;
using CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine;
using CrystalDecisions.Shared;
namespace TexERP.ReportCrystal
public partial class AccountRegister : System.Web.UI.Page
clsSession objSession;
ReportDocument rptDoc;
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
objSession = new clsSession();
rptDoc = new ReportDocument();
if (Session["objSession"] != null)
objSession = Session["objSession"] as clsSession;
if (!IsPostBack)
Session["ReportDataSet"] = null;
if (Session["ReportDataSet"] != null)
crvAccountReportParameter.ReportSource = (ReportDocument)Session["ReportDataSet"];
protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
protected void LoadData()
string pstrType;
pstrType = Request.QueryString["Type"];
DataSet dsData = null;
dsData = objAccountReportBAL.getAccountRegister(Convert.ToInt16(objSession.FyId), int.MinValue, long.MinValue, Convert.ToDateTime(RadDtpFromDate.SelectedDate), Convert.ToDateTime(RadDtpToDate.SelectedDate), pstrType);
Session["ReportDataSet"] = rptDoc;
crvAccountReportParameter.ReportSource = rptDoc;
You can do like this........
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