Reputation: 223
I'm trying to inset a dynamic view(to make a tooltip) that have a dynamic template to render in so inside im creating and appending a view to the parent element. I get following error
Uncaught Error: assertion failed: You specified the templateName ... for <(subclass of Ember.View):ember1104>, but it did not exist.
the template exist and i can add the view in other templates with view helper. Here is my parent view example :
App.ModalOverlayView = Ember.View.extend
templateName: 'modal_overlay/layout'
didInsertElement: ->
textView = Ember.View.extend({templateName: @get('templateToShow')}).create()
Upvotes: 0
Views: 987
Reputation: 2252
Bassically I did what you want in sections of a page.
So what I did was had a container view for the view that I wanted to be render. For example:
{{view MainApp.AppContainerView elementId="appContainerView"}}
Then, when I need a espefic templete to be render inside that container, I loded it by ajax. For example, if I wanted to show the template "xpto", I had this template in a file called "xpto.handlebars". So I did this:
view = Ember.View.create({
willInsertElement : function(){
var isLoaded = this.isLoaded;
getTemplate("/app_dev/templates/" + templateName + ".handlebars", this);
Where "templateName" its the name of your template that you want to show, in this case its "xpto", and "getTemplate" its an ajax function to get the template:
function getTemplate(path, view){
url: path,
xhrFields: {
withCredentials: true
//cache: true,
success: function(data) {
var templateName = "";
$(data).filter('script[type="text/x-handlebars"]').each(function() {
templateName = $(this).attr('data-template-name');
Ember.TEMPLATES[templateName] = Ember.Handlebars.compile($(this).html());
if(view != null){
view.set("templateName", templateName);
and finally I did this to add the view into the container:
var containerView = Em.View.views['appContainerView'];
if(containerView == undefined)
var temp = containerView.toArray();
if(temp.length > 0)
I hope this can help you,
Upvotes: 3