Reputation: 33
I've seen few good tutorials online... but somehow I couldn't apply or don't know how to apply it.
Anyway this is what I wish to do:
User will add Start Week & End Week
so the colModel will be:
colModel will be > int_weekid | week2 | week3 | week4 | week5
I try to do it this way but something is wrong. Can someone assist me? @oleg help please.
var start = $("#weekstart").val();
var end = $("#weekend").val();
var lastsel2;
var j=0;
var ColModel1 = [
{name:'ID',index:'int_userid', hidden:false, align:'center', width:30, search:false},
for (j=start;j<=end;j++) {
{name:'WEEK"+j+"',index:'WEEK"+j+"', align:'center', width:30, search:false},;
datatype: "json",
colModel: ColModel1,
pager: '#pager', //pagination enable
height: 'auto',
//sortname: 'int_weekid',
sortorder: 'DESC',
}); /* end of jqgrid */
After successfully adding the colModel dynamically i found out a strange problem... Let say I have 50 weeks for year 2012, when i put the start=1 and the end=50 no problem everything look great.. but somehow when i keyin value for start=4 (single number) and the end=18 (double digit number) I didnt get anything for my week colModel except for CODE & SITE.. I usually wont get any problem if it start=1 or both of start and end is single number or both are double number.. below is my code.. hope somebody could help me with this.. @owlwark, @oleg
<input name="mula" type="text" id="mula" />
<input name="akhir" type="text" id="akhir" />
<input name="btn_cons" type="button" id="btn_cons" value="SUBMIT" />
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Connected Consumers Trend -->
var mula = $("#mula").val();
var akhir = $("#akhir").val();
var projek = 21;
var tahun = 2013;
var ColModel1 = [];
ColModel1.push({name:'CODE',index:'txt_site_code', hidden:false, align:'center', width:70 });
ColModel1.push({name:'SITE',index:'txt_site_name', hidden:false, align:'left', width:190 });
for (var j = mula; j<=akhir; j++) {
ColModel1.push({name:'WEEK'+j,index:'WEEK'+j, align:'center', width:60 });
var lastsel2;
url:'dash/production/call_data.php?start='+mula +'&end='+akhir +'&project='+projek +'&year='+tahun,
datatype: "json",
colModel: ColModel1,
pager: '#pager', //pagination enable
height: 'auto',
//sortname: 'int_userid',
sortorder: 'DESC',
hidegrid: false, //show/hide grid button on caption header
viewrecords: true, //display the number of total records
// editurl:"transaction/grnedit.php",
loadtext: "Loading Data, Please Wait...",
rownumbers:true, // add row numbers on left side
caption: ' Consumer',
}); /* end of jqgrid */
}); //end btn_cons
}); /*end of document ready*/
<div id="prodgrid" class="hiddenDiv" align="center">
<table id="production" class="scroll" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"></table>
<div id="pager" class="scroll" style="text-align:center;"></div>
this is my data file call_data.php which I also have problem in generating the page total etc..:
<?php //MARTIN
$start = $_REQUEST['start'];
$end = $_REQUEST['end'];
$project = $_REQUEST['project'];
$year = $_REQUEST['year'];
$query = mysql_query(' CALL martin ('.$start.', '.$end.', '.$year.', '.$project.');');
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($query,MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
for ($j=$start; $j<=$end;$j++) {
array_push($rows[$i]['cell'], $row['WEEK'.$j]);
//this part I dunno how to create it dynamically
echo '{
"page": "1",
"total": "1",
"records": "1",
"rows" : ';
echo json_encode($rows);
echo '}';
Upvotes: 1
Views: 10900
Reputation: 10315
as Owlvark says you should not do a for in a array.
Try something like this:
var ColModel1 = [];
ColModel1.push({name:'ID',index:'int_userid', hidden:false, align:'center', width:30, search:false});
for (j=start;j<=end;j++) {
ColModel1.push({name:'WEEK"+j+"',index:'WEEK"+j+"', align:'center', width:30, search:false});
Upvotes: 2