Reputation: 99
Im having problems with this simple function on a textbox.. I have a winforms application, with a textbox, set up to autocomplete like this:
if (rbSerialNumSearch.Checked)
txtSerialNum.Enabled = true;
AutoCompleteStringCollection data = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
//Test data
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteCustomSource = data;
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
But it is not working. Nothing appears when i type in the textbox? If i i specify strings directly to the textbox collection property (in design mode), it works fine, but when i try to add strings programmatically, nothing happends?
Thanks in advance..
namespace GUI
public partial class UpdateEquipmentForm : Form
EquipmentManager em;
ProductManager pm;
CategoryManager cm;
public UpdateEquipmentForm()
em = new EquipmentManager();
pm = new ProductManager();
cm = new CategoryManager();
private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbCategorySearch.Checked)
List<Equipment> equipments = em.GetAllEquipmentInStock().Where(eq => eq.Product.Category_Id == (int)cbChooseCategory.SelectedValue).ToList();
var resultset = (from eq in equipments
select new { eq.Product.ProductNameNum, eq.Id, eq.SerialNumber, eq.InvoiceNumber, eq.CreatedDate, eq.ExpiryDate, eq.FirstUseDate }).ToList();
dgvResult.DataSource = resultset;
if (rbProductsSearch.Checked)
List<Equipment> equipments = em.GetAllEquipmentInStock().Where(eq => eq.Product.Id == (int)cbChooseType.SelectedValue).ToList();
var resultset = (from eq in equipments
select new { eq.Product.ProductNameNum, eq.Id, eq.SerialNumber, eq.InvoiceNumber, eq.CreatedDate, eq.ExpiryDate, eq.FirstUseDate }).ToList();
dgvResult.DataSource = resultset;
if (rbSerialNumSearch.Checked)
List<Equipment> equipments = em.GetAllEquipmentInStock();
var resultset = (from eq in equipments
where eq.SerialNumber.Contains(txtSearchEquipment.Text)
select new { eq.Product.ProductNameNum, eq.Id, eq.SerialNumber, eq.InvoiceNumber, eq.CreatedDate, eq.ExpiryDate, eq.FirstUseDate }).ToList();
dgvResult.DataSource = resultset;
private void rbCategorySearch_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbCategorySearch.Checked)
cbChooseCategory.Enabled = true;
cbChooseCategory.DataSource = cm.GetAllActiveCategories();
cbChooseCategory.DisplayMember = "Name";
cbChooseCategory.ValueMember = "Id";
cbChooseCategory.Enabled = false;
private void rbProductsSearch_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbProductsSearch.Checked)
cbChooseType.Enabled = true;
cbChooseType.DataSource = pm.GetAllActiveProducts();
cbChooseType.DisplayMember = "ProductNameNum";
cbChooseType.ValueMember = "Id";
cbChooseType.Enabled = false;
private void rbSerialNumSearch_CheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (rbSerialNumSearch.Checked)
txtSerialNum.Enabled = true;
AutoCompleteStringCollection data = new AutoCompleteStringCollection();
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteCustomSource = data;
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteMode = AutoCompleteMode.Suggest;
txtSerialNum.AutoCompleteSource = AutoCompleteSource.CustomSource;
txtSerialNum.Enabled = false;
Upvotes: 0
Views: 1608
Reputation: 99
Found the problem.. Really stupid of me. I was referencing the wrong textbox :-( The one i should be referencing is called txtSearchSerial and not txtSerialNum. Doh !
Appreciate the effort guys..thanks.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 168
You can set a break point to
txtSerialNum.Enabled = true;
I think this application never run into this block.
Or after this code, you re-set the binding of txtSerialNum.
Upvotes: 0