Reputation: 31
I am trying to Preform a Maven Release using Jenkins. But I am having some issues. This is my first time doing a Maven Release. Jenkins pulls down my code from the Git repository and changes all the pom files to the correct Version. I can see this my examining the Jenkins workspace. however it does not seem to be pushing the changes back up to the Git repo with the version changed. Git uses a code review tool call Gerrit that I should have to approve once it preforms the mvn release.
I have set SCM in my main POM
I am getting a error
Failed to execute goal org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.0:prepare (default-cli) on project <Name>: An error is occurred in the checkin process: Exception while executing SCM command. cause : An error is occurred in the checkin process: Exception while executing SCM command. Stack trace : .....
Any ideas?
Upvotes: 3
Views: 5906
Reputation: 1
We're migrating our code base from SVN to BitBucket. We used to perform maven releases with no problem (from Jenkins). My recommendation is to NOT use maven-release plugin with git. It's been a nightmare. We ended up manually doing what release:prepare release:perform were supposed to do.
The requirements are as follow:
On the migrated code base pom.xml files we:
Changed the SCM section to be like:
Removed scm section for submodules.
On Jenkins we created a freestyle project: Perform_Maven_Release.
Our agent is Windows.
SCM: Bitbucket Server, Check out to specific local branch: master.
The build steps are all Windows batch commands:
git checkout master
Remove -SNAPSHOT from pom versions:
mvn build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.${parsedVersion.minorVersion}
Upload release artifact to libs-release:
mvn --batch-mode deploy
Update pom files to prepare for next development cycle:
mvn --batch-mode build-helper:parse-version versions:set -DnewVersion=${parsedVersion.majorVersion}.${parsedVersion.nextMinorVersion}-SNAPSHOT
Commit and push:
git add pom.xml subfolder/pom.xml
git commit -am "Committing pom.xml files for next development cycle. "
git remote add origin
git push --set-upstream https://USER:PASSW@ master
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 5018
Thanks for the pastebin.
The error Caused by: org.apache.maven.scm.ScmException: Detecting the current branch failed: fatal: ref HEAD is not a symbolic ref
can often be tricked by setting Checkout/merge to local branch (optional)
to master
(if you're releasing master
) in section Advanced...
of Git parameter.
Upvotes: 1