Reputation: 1000
I have a structure which is an object at the top level, containing mainly strings as values and one nested object. It should look something like:
"name" : "expand",
"type" : "2",
"code" : "...",
"options" : {
"atb" : {
"description" : "..",
"value" : true
I'm guessing that because JSObject holds a list of key/value pairs, there is no way of mixing different value types on the same level. This seems like a huge limitation so I'm hoping I'm wrong!
Upvotes: 3
Views: 375
Reputation: 6533
If you don't already do it with generic, here is a way to use instances of TEXT.JSON
import Text.JSON
data SO = SO {
name :: String,
mytype :: Int,
code :: String,
options :: [Option]
} deriving (Show)
data Option =Option {
atb :: KV
data KV = KV {
desc :: String,
v:: Bool
instance JSON SO where
showJSON ge = makeObj
[ ("name", showJSON $ name ge),
("type", showJSON $ mytype ge),
("options", showJSON $ options ge)
readJSON = error "readJSON not implemented for SO"
instance JSON Option where
showJSON ge = makeObj
[ ("atb", showJSON $ atb ge)
readJSON = error "readJSON not implemented for Option"
instance JSON KV where
showJSON ge = makeObj
[ ("description", showJSON $ desc ge),
[ ("value", showJSON $ v ge)
readJSON = error "readJSON not implemented for kv"
--encode $ SO .........
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 137987
Text.JSON allows you to nest objects, as you can see by the type definition:
data JSValue
= JSNull
| JSBool !Bool
| JSRational !Rational
| JSString JSString
| JSArray [JSValue]
| JSObject (JSObject JSValue)
newtype JSObject e = JSONObject { fromJSObject :: [(String, e)] }
The type is recursive - JSValues may be JSObjects which in turn may be dictionaries of JSValues.
Upvotes: 7