Reputation: 225
I designed a process to copy data from views into corresponding tables in oracle. All I do is call a procedure passing 'view name' as parameter and this creates corresponding table (if not exists else drop and creates the table). So this happens dynamically and I have around 50 views, and they are scheduled as oracle jobs.
Now coming to issue I have a few tables failing with below error on some days...
ORA-01723: zero-length columns are not allowed
I am aware the reason for this is a couple of columns in the view being null, but not on all days. Yes I should be using a CAST for those columns, but as I mentioned this happens dynamically I have no pre idea which those columns are or which view is that? Any leads to identify if there are "zero-length columns" in view before I start creating table so that I can think of some solution. Any better remedy for this is really appreciated.
Thanks, Naga'
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Views: 21179
Reputation: 52376
The reason I choose this is 'INSERT INTO' may take more time and resource due to logging and locking.
I think that you have based your method of dropping and recreating the tables every time on a false belief. Truncated them and using a direct path insert, optionally with nologging, would give you practically the same result without this problem. If you're using:
create table .. as select from ...
... then you're fully logging the operation anyway.
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Reputation: 489
As you said you call a procedure to create a table from view. So I assume that you already are using dynamic SQL (Native Dynamic SQL aka EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
statement or DBMS_SQL
package) to execute DDL statements. Then you could generate more complicated CREATE TABLE AS
statement with using the Oracle dictionary views such as USER_VIEWS and USER_TAB_COLUMNS to get info about columns' types, length, scale and whatever else you may need to write a right CAST call.
A dirty example is below:
create or replace view v
select decode(dummy, 'Y', '123') s
, 1 n
, 2.2 f
, cast (1.1 as number(5,3)) fs
from dual
set serveroutput on
l_query varchar2(32767) := 'create table t as select <column list> from v';
l_type varchar2(100);
for tc in (
select * from user_tab_columns
where table_name = 'V'
order by column_id
) loop
l_type := tc.data_type;
l_type := l_type ||
case tc.data_type
when 'NUMBER' then
case when tc.data_precision is not null then '(' || tc.data_precision || case when tc.data_scale is not null then ','||tc.data_scale end || ')' end
when 'VARCHAR2' then
'(' || tc.char_length || ' ' || case tc.char_used when 'C' then 'char' else 'byte' end || ')'
l_query := replace(l_query, '<column list>', 'cast("'||tc.column_name||'" as '|| l_type ||') "'||tc.column_name||'" ,<column list>');
end loop;
l_query := replace(l_query, ',<column list>');
view V created.
anonymous block completed
create table t as select cast("S" as VARCHAR2(3 char)),cast("N" as NUMBER),cast("F" as NUMBER),cast("FS" as NUMBER(5,3)) from v
Good luck.
Upvotes: 1