Reputation: 573

File upload in extjs 4.2 without form.submit()

I'm trying to upload a file (as of now of any extension) in extjs. I have a model and store. the file upload happens from a window and I dont have a form in the window. All example I tried in the net are with form.submit(). I instead use and Ajax call as below to send the data to the server.


            url : 'qaf/saveSetupDetails.action',

            params : {
                'data' : recordsToSend
            failure : function(response){
                //console.log('error connecting controller');
            success : function(response){
                //console.log('successfully submitted');

The records to send in the data is got as below.

var store = Ext.getStore('SomeStore');
        var modifiedRecords = store.getModifiedRecords();
        var recordsToSend = [];
        if(modifiedRecords.length > 0){
            Ext.each(modifiedRecords, function(record){
                recordsToSend.push(;//I'm sure that this is so dump but this is how I do it for other records which are string and not sure how to do it for a file...
        Ext.USE_NATIVE_JSON = true;
        recordsToSend = Ext.encode(recordsToSend);

While setting the record in the model, I use the below code..

var rec = Ext.create('QAF.model.MyModel');

I received a 500 status error with the response "Cannot convert value of type [java.lang.String] to required type [org.springframework.web.multipart.commons.CommonsMultipartFile]"

I'm sure that this is because of the way I set the value to the model as Ext.getCmp('fileUploadCompID').value gives the file name. Please let me know how to set the file to the model and what data type I have to specify for the field in the model.

Below is how I try to retrieve the file in the spring controller.

@RequestMapping (value = "/qaf/saveSetupDetails.action")
    public @ResponseBody
    void saveSetupDetails(@RequestParam CommonsMultipartFile data)throws Exception{"Enter into saveSetupDetails method..." + data.getOriginalFilename());

Please let me know what I'm doing wrong and what has to be done to fix this...

Upvotes: 7

Views: 16948

Answers (4)


Reputation: 484

Yes, you can use Ajax and FormData API:

var file = s.fileInputEl.dom.files[0],
     data = new FormData();
data.append('file', file);
   url: '/upload/files',
   rawData: data,
   headers: {'Content-Type':null}, //to use content type of FormData
   success: function(response){

See my demo here

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 1387

ExtJs version 6.0.1 - Using iframe

Ext.define('xxx.yyy.UploadData', {
    extend : 'Ext.form.Panel',
    alias  : 'widget.uploaddata',

    initComponent : function(){        
        var me = this;        

        me.items = [{
          xtype      : 'filefield',
          margin     : '20 0 0 20',
          name       : 'excelfile',
          fieldLabel : 'Choose file',
          msgTarget  : 'side',
          allowBlank : false,
          anchor     : '30%',
          buttonText : 'Select',
          defaultButtonTarget : 'fileframe'
          xtype : 'panel',
          html  : '<iframe width="340" height="340" style="display: none" name="fileframe"></iframe>'
          xtype : 'button',
          text  : 'Import',
          handler : function(){
            var form = this.up('form').getForm();
                    url     : './upload.php',
                    waitMsg : 'uploading...',
                    success : function(fp, o) {


Upvotes: 0

Francis Ducharme
Francis Ducharme

Reputation: 4987

If you want to still use ExtJS's fileuploadfield and upload through an AJAX call using HTML5 FileReader, you can do it like such:

launchUpload: function () {
    //get a handle of the "file" input in the widget itself...
    var fileInput = document.getElementById(;
    var fileReader = New FileReader();
    var fileToUpload = fileInput.files[0]; //assuming your only uploading one file...
    var me = this

    fileReader.onload = function (e) {
         me.onLoadFile(e, me,;


onLoadFile: function (e, scope, filename) {

     //I carry the scope around for functionality...

        method: 'POST',
        url: 'url',
        scope: scope,
        jsonData: { fileNameParameter: filename, fileDatainBase64:},
        success: function (response, operation) {
        failure: function (response, operation) {


Upvotes: 2



You can't do it with filefield of Extjs

filefield of Extjs return string url from select file.

I think you need the file selected as occurs in change event but filefield haven't this event

you can use this solution, maybe you get one idea from the solution


var itemFile = null;
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
    title: 'Hello',
    width: 400,
    html: "<input id='inputFile' type='file' name='uploaded'/>",
    renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
    listeners: {
        afterrender: function() {
            itemFile = document.getElementById("inputFile");            
            itemFile.addEventListener('change', EventChange, false);

function EventChange(e){    
    var files = itemFile.files;

Upvotes: 0

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