Reputation: 12596
I'm working with Android Studio on Windows 7, 64 bit. I'm a noobie on Android Studio (or any Intelij IDE).
I downloaded and installed Ruby 1.9.3, The Ruby DevKit and calabash-android and I can successfully run Cucumber tests on my Android app using the command line (calabash-android run )
I also managed to install the Cucumber plugin for Android Studio, so that my feature files can benefit from autocomplete and such.
I have the following questions:
Can I install a Ruby plugin (RubyMine?) so that I can write step definitions for my tests? If so, I've heard that people can debug Cucumber tests: Can this be accomplished as well in Android Studio for Android apps?
Can I launch a calabash test for an Android app from Android Studio? If so, how would I go about it?
Can I integrate (automated) tests using calabash in Gradle builds of an Android app? If so, how would I go about it?
Thank you!
I attached a custom gradle Plugin<Project>
(see groove code below that I wrote to have a basic support for running calabash-android tests.
These manual steps are still necessary:
- Install Ruby 1.9.x and its Devkit, install the calabash-android gem, etc.
- Build the appropriate (flavor of an) APK using android gradle plugin (manual or automated)
In the app's build.gradle
, adding apply plugin: 'calabash'
now works and it allows the build to run a feature file as a calabash test.
It examines the available product-flavors (build-flavors) and adds the appropriate calabash related tasks (e.g. calabashDebug
or calabashFlavor1Release
, etc).
Below is the groovy file that implements my 'calabash' plugin (Windows only for now):
package com.mediaarc.gradle.plugins
import org.gradle.api.*
import org.gradle.api.plugins.*
import org.gradle.api.tasks.*
class CalabashPlugin implements Plugin<Project> {
void apply(Project project) {
project.extensions.create("calabash", CalabashPluginExtension)
if (! {
throw new IllegalStateException("Android plugin is not configured.")
} { variant ->
final def buildName =
final def buildVar = variant.baseName
final def packageApp = variant.packageApplication;
project.task("doPrepare${buildName}") << {
project.calabash.init(project, buildVar)
def apkFile = packageApp.outputFile
project.task("doClean${buildName}") << {
project.calabash.init(project, buildVar)
project.task("calabash${buildName}", type: Exec, dependsOn: [ project["assemble${buildName}"], project["doPrepare${buildName}"] ]) {
println project["assemble${buildName}"]
project.calabash.init(project, buildVar)
configureTask(project[name], buildName)
project.task("cleanCalabash${buildName}", dependsOn: project["doClean${buildName}"]) {
project.calabash.init(project, buildVar)
configureClean(project[name], buildName)
private def configureTask(def task, def buildVariant) { = JavaBasePlugin.VERIFICATION_GROUP
task.description = "Runs calabash tests for Build '${buildVariant}'"
private def configureClean(def task, def buildVariant) { = BasePlugin.BUILD_GROUP
task.description = "Deletes the calabash tests results for Build '${buildVariant}'"
class CalabashPluginExtension {
def root = 'src/calabash'
def resultFile = "calabash-results.html"
//protected def hash = new Object()
protected File outputFile
protected File workingDir
protected File tmpFile
protected init(Project project, def buildVariant) {
if (!buildVariant) {
buildVariant = "debug"
File rootFile = project.file(root)
outputFile = new File(project.file("build/reports/calabash/${buildVariant}"), resultFile)
workingDir = rootFile
protected writeCommandFile(def apkFile) {
if (!workingDir.exists()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The root directory for the calabash-tests could not be found: '${workingDir}'")
if (!(new File(workingDir, "features").exists())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("The required 'features' directory could not be found in '${workingDir}'")
def calabashCmd = "cd ${workingDir.canonicalPath}\r\necho calabash-android run \"${apkFile.canonicalPath}\" --format html --out \"${outputFile.canonicalPath}\"\r\n"
getCommandFile().write calabashCmd
protected execute(Exec exec) {
exec.commandLine 'cmd', '/c', getCommandFile().canonicalPath
protected clean() {
private File getCommandFile() {
if (!tmpFile) {
tmpFile = File.createTempFile("run-calabash", ".bat")
return tmpFile
Upvotes: 13
Views: 3429
Reputation: 30154
Very good question. Xamarin had a webinar on using Calabash tests in their Test Cloud product. Towards the end of the talk there is quite a bit of hands-on with setting up the testing ecosystem and running Calabash tests for Android. There's lots in there that don't apply to your environment, but some very good tips and insights from Karl Krukow - one of the main contributors to calabash-android.
Upvotes: 3