Reputation: 29
I have the following question. On my form I write away my form with the value "76,50" as "07650". Now I want to open my file again in the listbox with the value 76,50 instead of 07650.
Public Class AddwhenOpen
Public number As Integer
Public name As String
Public Birthday As Integer
Public perc As Decimal
Public comboboxvalue As String
Public Function ToStringForPrinter() As Decimal
Return comboboxvalue & nummer.ToString.PadLeft(5) & naam.PadLeft(5) & Geboortejaar.ToString.PadRight(5) & (perc / 100).ToInt64("00,00")
End Function
Code for CLASS
`Public Class ChangeFormatBackToDecimal
Public number As Integer
Public name As String
Public Bday As Integer
Public perc As Decimal
Public comboboxvalue As String
Public Function TostringForPrinter() As String
Return comboboxvalue & number.ToString.PadLeft(5) & name.PadLeft(5) & Bday.ToString.PadRight(5) & Format(perc / 100, "#00,00")
End Function`
Code when opening the file...
Dim index As Integer = 0
Dim lijn As String
'Keuzelijst leegmaken.
With dlgOpenen
.Filter = "textfiles (*.txt) | *.txt"
.FileName = ""
.InitialDirectory = "C:\My Documents"
.Title = "Open"
End With
If dlgOpenen.ShowDialog = DialogResult.OK Then
FileOpen(1, dlgOpen.FileName, OpenMode.Input)
Do While Not EOF(1)
line = LineInput(1)
End If
Dim data As New ChangeFormatBackToDecimal
data.comboboxvalue = cboAfdeling.SelectedItem.ToString.PadRight(5) & cboKlasGetal.SelectedItem.ToString & cboAfdeling.SelectedItem.ToString & cboKlasLetter.SelectedItem.ToString.PadRight(5)
data.number = CInt(txtNumber.Text) = txtName.Text
data.Bday = CInt(txtBday.Text)
data.perc = CDec(txtPerc.Text)
Can someone help me?
Upvotes: 0
Views: 257
Reputation: 5719
To change string 76,50 instead of 07650.
Dim n as Integer = val("07650")
Dim s as String = format(s/100)
This is optional ...
s = s.Replace(".",",")
s = s.PadRight(5,"0")
It should be
Return comboboxvalue & nummer.ToString.PadLeft(5) & naam.PadLeft(5) & Geboortejaar.ToString.PadRight(5) & format(perc / 100,"#0.00")
Upvotes: 2