Reputation: 20464
I need is to implement the file recursivity in this function to get all the files inside the subdirectories.
I want to preserve the efficiency of the function (I mean to avoid the using of large loops inside folders)
How I can do it?
EDIT: Also I need to put a Boolean arg to let me select if I want enable recursivity or not.
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", {".dll", ".ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal Path As String, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Return New IO.DirectoryInfo(Path).GetFiles.Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(o.Extension)).ToList
End Function
I need to preserve in the dotINSolution modification the eficiency of the original code which returns a list of IO.FileInfo instead a list of string:
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal Path As String, ByVal Recursive As Boolean, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of String) ' As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Select Case Recursive
Case True : Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(IO.Path.GetExtension(o))).ToList
Case False : Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.*", IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(IO.Path.GetExtension(o))).ToList
End Select
End Function
Is this possibly without doing major changes or without converting the result more than one time?
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Views: 2893
Reputation: 20464
Finally this is my generic function with two additional overloads to improve the usage of the function, thanks to @Andrew Morton and @dotINSolution modifications:
#Region " Get Files "
' [ Get Files Function ]
' Examples :
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", False) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", True, "dll") : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", True, ".dll") : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", True, "*.dll") : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", False, {"dll", "ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", False, {".dll", ".ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", False, {"*.dll", "*.ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
' Get Files {directory} {recursive}
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal directory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*", searchOpt).Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList
End Function
' Get Files {directory} {recursive} {ext}
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal directory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean, ext As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
If ext.StartsWith("*") Then
ext = ext.Substring(1, ext.Length - 1)
ElseIf Not ext = "*" AndAlso Not ext.StartsWith(".") Then
ext = ("." & ext)
ElseIf ext = "*" Then
ext = Nothing
End If
Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*" & ext, searchOpt).Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList
End Function
' Get Files {directory} {recursive} {exts()}
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal directory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Dim FileExtensions(exts.Count) As String
Dim ExtCount As Int64 = 0
For Each ext In exts
If ext.StartsWith("*") Then
FileExtensions(ExtCount) = ext.Substring(1, ext.Length - 1)
ElseIf Not ext = "*" AndAlso Not ext.StartsWith(".") Then
FileExtensions(ExtCount) = ("." & ext)
ElseIf Not ext = "*" AndAlso ext.StartsWith(".") Then
FileExtensions(ExtCount) = ext
ElseIf ext = "*" Then
FileExtensions(ExtCount) = Nothing
End If
ExtCount += 1
Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Dim filenameExtComparer As New FilenameExtensionComparer
Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.*", searchOpt).Where(Function(o) FileExtensions.Contains(IO.Path.GetExtension(o), filenameExtComparer)).Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList
End Function
' FilenameExtensionComparer
Public Class FilenameExtensionComparer : Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String)
Public Function Equals1(s As String, t As String) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String).Equals
Return String.Compare(s, t, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0
End Function
Public Function GetHashCode1(s As String) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String).GetHashCode
Return s.GetHashCode()
End Function
End Class
#End Region
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Reputation: 25023
All you need to do get a list of FileInfo instead of filenames is create a new FileInfo for each file, like this:
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal rootDirectory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, "*.*", searchOpt).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(IO.Path.GetExtension(o))).Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList
End Function
And if you use Imports System.IO
at the top of your code, you don't need to type IO.
so much and it will look tidier.
For a case-sensitive test of the extension, you could implement the comparer in the Enumerable.Contains method:
Public Class FilenameExtensionComparer
Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String)
Public Function Equals1(s As String, t As String) As Boolean Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String).Equals
Return String.Compare(s, t, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) = 0
End Function
Public Function GetHashCode1(s As String) As Integer Implements IEqualityComparer(Of String).GetHashCode
Return s.GetHashCode()
End Function
End Class
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal rootDirectory As String, ByVal recursive As Boolean, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Dim searchOpt As IO.SearchOption = If(recursive, IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories, IO.SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly)
Dim filenameExtComparer As New FilenameExtensionComparer
Return IO.Directory.GetFiles(rootDirectory, "*.*", searchOpt).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(IO.Path.GetExtension(o), filenameExtComparer)).Select(Function(p) New IO.FileInfo(p)).ToList
End Function
I sense feature-creep in this question ;) You should have a look at the documentation for the .NET methods which are used and see if they have overloads which are useful to you.
EDIT 2: Oops, I see you wanted case-insensitivity. I adjusted the comparer appropriately.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 234
This should do the trick for you :)
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal Path As String, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Return Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.*", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(o))).ToList
End Function
Edit, With Optional recursivity:
Private Function Get_Files(ByVal Path As String, Byval searchOption As System.IO.SearchOption, ParamArray exts() As String) As List(Of IO.FileInfo)
Return Directory.GetFiles(Path, "*.*", searchOption).Where(Function(o) exts.Contains(Path.GetExtension(o))).ToList
End Function
To search in Top Directory only:
For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", SearchOption.TopDirectoryOnly, {".dll", ".ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
To do a recursive search:
For Each file In Get_Files("C:\Windows", SearchOption.AllDirectories, {".dll", ".ini"}) : MsgBox(file.Name) : Next
Upvotes: 4