Reputation: 947
I'm having the following situation:
In a cross platform rendering library for iOS and Android (written in c(++)), i have two threads that each need their own EGLContext: Thread A is the main thread; it renders to the Window. Thread B is a generator thread, that does various calculations and renders the results into textures that are later used by thread A.
Since i can't use EGL on iOS, the library uses function pointers to static Obj.-C functions to create a new context and set it current. This already works, i create the context for thread A using
EAGLContext *contextA = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2];
The context for thread B is created using
EAGLContext *contextB = [[EAGLContext alloc] initWithAPI:kEAGLRenderingAPIOpenGLES2 sharegroup:[contextA sharegroup]];
I can then set either of the two current:
[EAGLContext setCurrentContext:context];
To use the same logic (function pointers passed to the library) on Android, i want to do this in the C side of the JNI bindings, this time using real EGL instead of Apple's EAGL. I can easily create contextA using a WindowSurface and the native Window, i can create contextB and pass contextA to the shareContext parameter of the eglCreateContext call.
But when i want to make contextB current, i have to pass a surface to the eglMakeCurrent call, and i'm trying to figure out what kind of surface to pass there.
I don't understand what Munshi, Ginsurg and Shreiner mean by that sentence, how would a framebuffer object be a replacement for a pbuffer surface? What if I create a very small (say 1x1px) pbuffer surface to make the context current - can i then still render into arbitrarily large FBOs? Are there any other possibilities I'm not yet aware of?
Thanks a lot for your help!
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Views: 8523
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If drawing to FBO is the only things you want to do, you can grab any EGLContext that already created by you or someone else (e.g. GLSurfaceView)and make it current then you just generate your FBO then draw with it. The problem is how to share the context say created by GLSurfaceView to your cross-platform c++ library. I did this by calling a static function inside the c++ to get eglcontext and surface immediately after the context been made current by Java layer. like the code below:
//This is a GLSurfaceView renderer method
public void onSurfaceCreated(GL10 gl, EGLConfig config) {
//up to this point, we know the EGLContext
//has already been set current on this thread.
//call JNI function to setup context
the c++ counterpart
void setup_context() {
context = eglGetCurrentContext();
display = eglGetCurrentDisplay();
surface = eglGetCurrentSurface(EGL_DRAW);
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Reputation: 947
I ended up using a PBuffer surface (sized 1x1) - i then create an FBO and render into textures just fine. For displaying them (in a different thread and a different (shared) opengl context), i use a windowsurface with an ANativeWindow (there's a sample of that somewhere in the sdk).
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Reputation: 2832
The surface you pass to eglMakeCurrent() must be an EGL surface from eglCreateWindowSurface(). For example:
EGLSurface EglSurface = mEgl.eglCreateWindowSurface(mEglDisplay, maEGLconfigs[0], surfaceTexture, null);
mEgl.eglMakeCurrent(mEglDisplay, EglSurface, EglSurface, mEglContext);
But, eglCreateWindowSurface() requires a SurfaceTexture which is provided to the onSurfaceTextureAvailable() callback when a TextureView is created, but you can also create off-screen SurfaceTextures without any View.
There is an example app that uses TextureView in the Android SDK here, although it uses the SurfaceTexture for camera video rather than OpenGL ES rendering:
By default, the EGL surface for FBOs will have the same size as the SurfaceTexture they were created from. You can change the size of a SurfaceTexture with:
surfaceTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(width, height);
Don't use pbuffers on Android because some platforms (Nvidia Tegra) do not support them. This article explains the advantages of FBOs over pbuffers in detail:
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