Matt Accola
Matt Accola

Reputation: 4142

Generate JavaDocs with Android Gradle plugin

How can I generate JavaDocs for an Android project using the new Gradle build system?

Here is what I have come up with but it doesn't work.

task generateJavadoc(type: Javadoc) {
    source =
    ext.cp = android.libraryVariants.collect { variant ->
    classpath = files(ext.cp) 

The main problem is that I do not get the appropriate android.jar on the classpath so some of the links in the JavaDocs are not resolved. I have to find a way to get all the necessary jars on the classpath.

Another problem with the approach I took is it collects the classpaths for all the build variants, rather than selecting one.

Upvotes: 51

Views: 29426

Answers (9)


Reputation: 1125

Here is a updated version that used to work in 2014:

android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
    def name =

    if (name.equalsIgnoreCase("debug")) {
        return; // Skip debug builds.
    task("javadoc${}", type: Javadoc) {
        description "Generates Javadoc for $"
        source = variant.javaCompile.source
        ext.androidJar = files(plugins.findPlugin("").getBootClasspath())
        classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files) + ext.androidJar
        exclude '**/internal/**'
        failOnError false

    task("bundleJavadoc${}", type: Jar) {
        description "Bundles Javadoc into zip for $"
        classifier = "javadoc"
        from tasks["javadoc${}"]

Upvotes: 4

Julian Pieles
Julian Pieles

Reputation: 4026

With android gradle tools 1.10.+ getting the android SDK dir is different than before. You have to change the following:


instead of


This is the complete solution to the problem:

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->

    task("generate${}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
        title = "Documentation for Android $android.defaultConfig.versionName b$android.defaultConfig.versionCode"
        destinationDir = new File("${project.getProjectDir()}/doc/compiled/", variant.baseName)
        source = variant.javaCompile.source

        ext.androidJar = "${android.sdkDirectory}/platforms/${android.compileSdkVersion}/android.jar"
        classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files) + files(ext.androidJar)

        description "Generates Javadoc for $"

        options.memberLevel = org.gradle.external.javadoc.JavadocMemberLevel.PRIVATE
        exclude '**/'
        exclude '**/'

Upvotes: 9

Reputation: 2735

One more

android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
        task("generateJavadoc", type: Javadoc) {
            description "Generate Javadoc"
            source =
//            println '=== source ==='
//            source.collect { relativePath(it) }.sort().each { println it }
            ext.androidJar = "${android.sdkDirectory}/platforms/${android.compileSdkVersion}/android.jar"
            classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files) + files(ext.androidJar)
//            println '=== classpath ==='
//            classpath.collect { relativePath(it) }.sort().each { println it }


gradle generateJavadoc

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 25453

I made an open source plugin for that. GitHub Repository

buildscript {
    repositories {
        maven {
            url ""
    dependencies {
        classpath ""

Add this line into your build.gradle

apply plugin: ""

Then just execute one of the following:

./gradlew generateDebugJavadoc
./gradlew generateReleaseJavadoc

The java documentation can be found in module/javaDoc/

Upvotes: 3


Reputation: 1052

I found that this solution works on Gradle plugin 1.3.1 if you have different product flavors.

This will create Gradle tasks to generate Javadoc for each product flavor and build type. For instance, if the module name is app and you have a production and dev product flavor and debug and release build types, you'll have the following Gradle tasks:

  • :app:generateDevDebugJavadoc
  • :app:generateDevReleaseJavadoc
  • :app:generateProductionDebugJavadoc
  • :app:generateProductionReleaseJavadoc


android {

    // ...

    applicationVariants.all { variant ->
        // create tasks to generate Javadocs
        task("generate${}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
            source = variant.javaCompile.source
            classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))

            // choose the destination that works best for you here
            // I chose this particular directory because Jenkins pulls reports 
            // from this directory already if you need to have the output 
            // folder be parameterized for the build variant, use
            // "build/outputs/docs/javadoc-${}/" instead and it'll 
            // be in `javadoc-productionRelease` for example
            destinationDir = file("build/outputs/docs/javadoc/")

            // the name that will appear in the docs
            title =

            // you will probably get errors from using the @annotations and 
            // the support library, so just turn off failing for errors
            failOnError false    

    // ...


Upvotes: 2

Alexander B
Alexander B

Reputation: 3510

For Android gradle plugin 1.1.2+ (

libraryVariants - does not work anymore


task javadoc(type: Javadoc) {
    source =
    classpath += project.files(android.getBootClasspath().join(File.pathSeparator))
    destinationDir = file("../javadoc/")
    failOnError false

destinationDir = file("../javadoc/") - locate javadocs at root of project directory (in this way jenkins javadoc plugin could find it and show in special Document panel)

failOnError false - for suppress warnings that can cause fail build on jenkins

Upvotes: 42


Reputation: 593

Gradle 1.11 - Gradle Plugin 0.10.0

Replace android.plugin.sdkDirectory by android.sdkDirectory

android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->
    task("generate${}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
        description "Generates Javadoc for $"
        source = variant.javaCompile.source
        ext.androidJar = "${android.sdkDirectory}/platforms/${android.compileSdkVersion}/android.jar"
        classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files) + files(ext.androidJar)
        exclude '**/'
        exclude '**/'

Upvotes: 24


Reputation: 863

The android jars seem to be in the property android.plugin.runtimeJarList. It's not documented anywhere though, so it might break at anytime.

I've refined your solution to work across build variants:

android.applicationVariants.all { variant ->
    def name =
    task "javadoc$name"(type: Javadoc) {
        description = "Generates javadoc for build $name"
        destinationDir = new File(destinationDir, variant.baseName)
        source = files(variant.javaCompile.source)
        classpath = files(android.plugin.runtimeJarList, variant.javaCompile.classpath)
        exclude '**/R.html', '**/R.*.html'

It generally doesn't make sense to do a javadoc on just the main branch since you might rely on some things from the product flavors. Even debug vs release could have some differences. You could of course, just pick a default variant to use. So you could do something like,

task javadoc(dependsOn: javadocDebug)

Upvotes: 8

Matt Accola
Matt Accola

Reputation: 4142

The solution I ended up settling on is as follows:

android.libraryVariants.all { variant ->

    task("generate${}Javadoc", type: Javadoc) {
        description "Generates Javadoc for $"
        source = variant.javaCompile.source
        ext.androidJar = "${android.plugin.sdkDirectory}/platforms/${android.compileSdkVersion}/android.jar"
        classpath = files(variant.javaCompile.classpath.files) + files(ext.androidJar)


Xavier Ducrohet confirmed this is the way to do it (with caveats) on the adt-dev group,!searchin/adt-dev/javadoc/adt-dev/seRizEn8ICA/bafEvUl6mzsJ.

Upvotes: 12

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