Reputation: 3557
I'm trying to implement a custom query according to the Reference 4.4 Custom Implementations:
What's the difference between Spring Data's MongoTemplate and MongoRepository?
I'm doing this because I need special queries using mongoTemplate.
The error I'm getting is a PropertyReferenceException. So it seems that spring-data is trying to auto-generate the query which I don't want. I want to use my own custom query. No property search found for type com.eerra.core.common.dto.User
The problem is described also here but the solution doesn't seem to work for me:
How can I implement my custom query interface and implementation without spring-data trying to auto-generate the query?
Spring Configuration
<!-- Spring Data MongoDB repository support -->
<mongo:repositories base-package="com.eerra.*.common.service" />
The Repository classes and interfaces are located in following package: (interface) (implementation)
public interface UserRepositoryCustom {
List<User> searchAllUsers();
public class UserRepositoryCustomImpl implements UserRepositoryCustom {
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public List<User> searchAllUsers() {
return mongoTemplate.findAll(User.class);
public interface UserRepositoryInterface extends MongoRepository<User, String>, UserRepositoryCustom {
User findByEmail(String email);
List<User> findByEmailLike(String email);
List<User> findByEmailOrLastName(String email, String lastName);
List<User> findByEmailOrFirstNameLike(String email, String firstName);
@Query("{\"$or\" : [ { \"email\" : { \"$regex\" : ?0, \"$options\" : \"i\"}} , " +
"{ \"firstName\" : { \"$regex\" : ?0, \"$options\" : \"i\"}}, " +
"{ \"lastName\" : { \"$regex\" : ?0, \"$options\" : \"i\"}}]}")
List<User> findByEmailOrFirstNameOrLastNameLike(String searchText);
Upvotes: 12
Views: 15292
Reputation: 3557
The problem is solved. This error appears when the Impl class is named incorrectly. The Impl class has to be named according to the repository class. So the names have to be following for this example:
See the answer here: What's the difference between Spring Data's MongoTemplate and MongoRepository?
Upvotes: 26