Reputation: 23
I need to know the ui manager property that needs to be set to make the font changed for the JTextField
in JOptionPane.showInputDialog
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Views: 15648
Reputation: 1109
Here's what works for me in August 2018 using Java 1.8.0_181 to make the font size larger and thus more readable on my 4K laptop monitor. I call it near the top of main prior to invoking dialogs such as the the following:
String menuChoice = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "some prompt", "Menu", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);
It's very close to previous answers but differs slightly because it includes settings I did not see in those prior responses:
* Changes the font size used in JOptionPane.showInputDialogs to make them more ADA
* section 508 compliant by making the text size larger,
* which is very nice for older people and anyone else with vision problems.
private static void makeDialogsEasierToSee() {
// This next one is very strange; but, without it,
// any subsequent attempt to set InternalFrame.titleFont will
// be ignored, so resist the temptation to remove it.
Font normalFont = new Font(Font.MONOSPACED, Font.PLAIN, 24);
Font boldFont = normalFont.deriveFont(Font.BOLD);
UIManager.put("OptionPane.font", normalFont);
UIManager.put("OptionPane.messageFont", normalFont);
UIManager.put("OptionPane.buttonFont", normalFont);
UIManager.put("TextField.font", normalFont);
UIManager.put("InternalFrame.titleFont", boldFont);
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 12807
This is the way we shall use:
UIManager.put("OptionPane.messageFont", new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 14));
UIManager.put("OptionPane.buttonFont", new Font("Arial", Font.PLAIN, 12));
Just remember to set it before any JOptionPane dialog appears. I just put it in the first line of the main
To see why I do this, the DOC of UIManager is always useful.
UIManager manages three sets of UIDefaults. In order, they are:
Developer defaults. With few exceptions Swing does not alter the developer defaults; these are intended to be modified and used by the developer.
Look and feel defaults. The look and feel defaults are supplied by the look and feel at the time it is installed as the current look and feel (setLookAndFeel() is invoked). The look and feel defaults can be obtained using the getLookAndFeelDefaults() method.
System defaults. The system defaults are provided by Swing. Invoking any of the various get methods results in checking each of the defaults, in order, returning the first non-null value. For example, invoking UIManager.getString("Table.foreground") results in first checking developer defaults. If the developer defaults contain a value for "Table.foreground" it is returned, otherwise the look and feel defaults are checked, followed by the system defaults. It's important to note that getDefaults returns a custom instance of UIDefaults with this resolution logic built into it. For example, UIManager.getDefaults().getString("Table.foreground") is equivalent to UIManager.getString("Table.foreground"). Both resolve using the algorithm just described. In many places the documentation uses the word defaults to refer to the custom instance of UIDefaults with the resolution logic as previously described.
So, we should change first the developer defaults. And the method UIManager.put(Object key, Object value)
is the method to use.
public static Object put(Object key, Object value)
Stores an object in the developer defaults. This is a cover method for getDefaults().put(key, value). This only affects the developer defaults, not the system or look and feel defaults.
key - an Object specifying the retrieval key
value - the Object to store; refer to UIDefaults for details on how null is handled
Returns: the Object returned by UIDefaults.put(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object)
NullPointerException - if key is null
This is exactly what I am looking for: no extra panels, no more trouble of overriding the default UI of JOptionPane
A complete list of names of attributes in JOptionPane
is here:
Property String Object Type
OptionPane.actionMap ActionMap
OptionPane.background Color
OptionPane.border Border
OptionPane.buttonAreaBorder Border
OptionPane.buttonClickThreshhold Integer
OptionPane.buttonFont Font
OptionPane.buttonOrientation Integer
OptionPane.buttonPadding Integer
OptionPane.cancelButtonMnemonic String
OptionPane.cancelButtonText String
OptionPane.cancelIcon Icon
OptionPane.errorDialog.border.background Color
OptionPane.errorDialog.titlePane.background Color
OptionPane.errorDialog.titlePane.foreground Color
OptionPane.errorDialog.titlePane.shadow Color
OptionPane.errorIcon Icon
OptionPane.errorSound String
OptionPane.font Font
OptionPane.foreground Color
OptionPane.informationIcon Icon
OptionPane.informationSound String
OptionPane.inputDialogTitle String
OptionPane.isYesLast Boolean
OptionPane.messageAnchor Integer
OptionPane.messageAreaBorder Border
OptionPane.messageFont Font
OptionPane.messageForeground Color
OptionPane.messageDialogTitle String
OptionPane.minimumSize Dimension
OptionPane.noButtonMnemonic String
OptionPane.noButtonText String
OptionPane.noIcon Icon
OptionPane.okButtonMnemonic String
OptionPane.okButtonText String
OptionPane.okIcon Icon
OptionPane.questionDialog.border.background Color
OptionPane.questionDialog.titlePane.background Color
OptionPane.questionDialog.titlePane.foreground Color
OptionPane.questionDialog.titlePane.shadow Color
OptionPane.questionIcon Icon
OptionPane.questionSound String
OptionPane.sameSizeButtons Boolean
OptionPane.separatorPadding Integer
OptionPane.setButtonMargin Boolean
OptionPane.titleText String
OptionPane.warningDialog.border.background Color
OptionPane.warningDialog.titlePane.background Color
OptionPane.warningDialog.titlePane.foreground Color
OptionPane.warningDialog.titlePane.shadow Color
OptionPane.warningIcon Icon
OptionPane.warningSound String
OptionPane.windowBindings Object[ ]
OptionPane.yesButtonMnemonic String
OptionPane.yesButtonText String
OptionPane.yesIcon Icon
OptionPaneUI String
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 51
This worked for me to change both the font of the text and buttons in JOptionPane:
Font font = new Font(Font.SANS_SERIF, Font.PLAIN, 20);
UIManager.put("OptionPane.messageFont", font);
UIManager.put("OptionPane.buttonFont", font);
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 347334
I believe you want TextField.font
. This will return the font used by default for all JTextField
s for the currently installed look and feel...
A better solution might be to supply your own JTextField
, setup with the font you want to use.
For example...
(Sorry, updated, used wrong dialog :P)
import java.awt.EventQueue;
import java.awt.Font;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
import javax.swing.JTextField;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.UnsupportedLookAndFeelException;
public class TestOptionPane09 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
} catch (ClassNotFoundException | InstantiationException | IllegalAccessException | UnsupportedLookAndFeelException ex) {
JTextField field = new JTextField("Hello");
field.setFont(field.getFont().deriveFont(Font.BOLD, 24));
String[] options = {"Ok", "Cancel"};
int result = JOptionPane.showOptionDialog(
switch (result) {
case 0:
case 1:
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 168845
One trick is to make a confirmation dialog look like an input dialog. Note that this example still behaves differently to a standard input dialog in that the input field is not selected by default. For that, I have always found the tips in this article on Dialog Focus to be invaluable.
The following shows a standard input dialog compared to the confirm dialog using a large font.
import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;
class BigInputOptionPane {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
String s = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null);
if (s!=null) {
System.out.println("User chose: " + s);
} else {
System.out.println("User did not chose an option!");
JTextField tf = new JTextField(8);
int result = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(
null, tf, "Input",
if (result==JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) {
System.out.println("User chose: " + tf.getText());
} else {
System.out.println("User did not chose an option!");
Upvotes: 4