Reputation: 207
I have a GUI in MATLAB (created using GUIDE) which has a pushbutton callback and 2 edit boxes. The edit boxes are to be filled first after which pressing the pushbutton plots a figure on a pair of axes.
Upon Pressing this pushbutton, I execute a .m file which sends the data in the edit boxes data serially to a micro-controller and receives some calculated data on the basis of the sent data. This data is produced in another a seperate function file which handles the serial data sent back from the microcontroller.
Now, I want to transfer this data to the pushbutton callback function, so that it can be plotted on a pair of axes. How do I do this without global variables? The problem is complicated by the fact that I have to continuosly update the plot everytime I receive serial data from the microcontroller.
The outline for the pushbutton callback is as below:
% --- Executes on button press in angle_speed_pushbutton_callback.
function angle_speed_pushbutton_callback_Callback(hObject, eventdata, handles)
% hObject handle to angle_speed_pushbutton_callback (see GCBO)
% eventdata reserved - to be defined in a future version of MATLAB
% handles structure with handles and user data (see GUIDATA)
angle1 = handles.xy_angle; %These values are obtained from the edit boxes
angle2 = handles.xz_angle;
delay = handles.speed;
Testbed_Calibration_main; %Main function which sends data serially to the microcontroller
% I want to transfer the data received by the function which handles the microcontroller output here
% plot transferred data on axes here
Thank you in advance. :-)
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Views: 843
Reputation: 298
I had a similar problem while doing a GUI for a program. I finally realised that the gui m-file can be a script, thus making the all the object handles available. From what I understand, maybe you could apply this to your problem.
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