
Reputation: 5514

Manifest attribute for java jar

With all the help from you i was able to finish my first project in java. Now i want to create a jar and run the application (Java project - it is a plain console application which is having another project(console application) as a dependence) from jar.

I created a jar with eclipse by right click - export - created a jar. When i try to run this jar from my cmd, I have an error (below is the error I am geting)

no main manifest attribute, in AAA.jar

I Googled the error - most of them subjected to create the Manifest file. I created a manifest file like below in the project equal to src level

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Main-Class: com.Pacakename.mainclass
Class-Path: log4j-1.2.16.jar db2jcc.jar db2jcc_license_cu.jar

Then J tried run the jar again but this time it says no main method where i have a main method in the class

Please some one please explain a clear step's for creating the Manifest(it really help's me if you show me the folder structure of the place where we have Manifest file)

Upvotes: 2

Views: 17154

Answers (3)

Filip Zymek
Filip Zymek

Reputation: 2646

Lets assume you have following directory structure:

      |- com
          |- example

To compile such project in cmd line, (no external dependencies) you need to invoke commands

$ cd MyJavaProject
$ mkdir bin         //to separate *.class file from source files
$ javac -d bin src\com\example\

This will create Main.class file in bin directory. To pack it to *.jar file, you can: 1) create jar with binary files and specify Main class in cmd 2) create Manifes and embbed it to jar (I will focus on this one)

You should create META-INF directory under src and inside it create file

Your manifest should look like this:

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: <Your info>
Main-Class: com.example.Main

Remember to add empty line at end on Manifest!!

In this case, you specify Manifest-Version attribute, Created-By attribute, and fully qualified name of main class to run in Main-Class attribute

To create Jar with this Manifest file and you binary file, invoke commands

$ cd bin
$ jar cfm MyJavaProject.jar ..\src\META-INF\MANIFEST.MF .

this will create new jar called MyJavaProject.jar and use your manifest

If you project depends on external classas or jar, add them to your classpath when compiling (-cp option) and add another line in Manifest

ClassPath: path/to/dependent/jars/jar.jar

Recompile it and create new jar and enjoy your Java quest :)

For more info on Manifest please see: docs

PS: Working with jars,amnifest from cmd line might seem ugly, but it can teach you some ava-like concepts. If you want to skip it, please consider using Apache Maven or Apache Ant

Upvotes: 4


Reputation: 4555

If you are using maven I can recommend you to use the shade plugin to produce runnable jars with all dependencies (and manifest :-)) on-board.

Include this in your pom.xml:

                <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ManifestResourceTransformer">
                  <!-- your main class: -->

And then execute mvn clean package shade:shade to build a jar that you can run from the command line with java -jar jarfilename.jar.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 3591

If you are using eclipse you can use "Export" --> Runnable jar to achieve your goals. In that case you should have a valid run configuration for your project since eclipse uses this run configuration as a kind of blueprint for the runnable jar.

In this case eclipse will build the manifest for you.

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