
Reputation: 830

Count male, female and total

I want to count male, female and total students from Student table for a specific year specified. I wish if the result could be displayed in the form:

| Label    |  Value   |   Year     |
| Male     |   0      |   2013     |
| Female   |  23      |   2013     |
| Total    |  23      |   2013     |

The query should display 0 if there is no male/female matching for the specified year. Any idea how I can make this happen?

Thanks in advance

Upvotes: 18

Views: 137493

Answers (14)

Rahul Kondal
Rahul Kondal

Reputation: 11

  (SELECT count(*) FROM patients WHERE gender='M') AS male_count, 
  (SELECT count(*) FROM patients WHERE gender='F') AS female_count;

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 1

Select * from (select year, count(*) as total ,sum( case when gender ='M' then 1 else 0 end ) as male , sum ( case when gender ='F' then 1 else 0 end) as female from mytable where year=2013 group by gender,year)
unpivot ( income_component_value for income_component_type in ( male,female,total ) )

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 29458

Consider the following query:

  max(registeredYear) as year,
  count(case when gender='Male' then 1 end) as male_cnt,
  count(case when gender='Female' then 1 end) as female_cnt,
  count(*) as total_cnt
from student
where registeredYear = 2013
group by registeredYear;

The result will be like this:

Year male_cnt female_cnt total_cnt
---- -------- ---------- ---------
2013        0         23        23

You can transform this result into the form you want. If you want to do it within a query, then you can do it like this:

with t as (
      max(registeredYear) as year,
      count(case when gender='Male' then 1 end) as male_cnt,
      count(case when gender='Female' then 1 end) as female_cnt,
      count(*) as total_cnt
    from student
    where registeredYear = 2013
    group by registeredYear)
select 'Male', male_cnt as male, year from t
union all
select 'Female', female_cnt as male, year from t
union all
select 'Total', total_cnt as male, year from t

Upvotes: 32

Rae Lee
Rae Lee

Reputation: 1391

select sp.CLASS_Name , count(*) as total 
     , sum( case when si.STDNT_GENDER = 1   then 1 else 0 end )    as Male
     , sum( case when si.STDNT_GENDER = 0   then 1 else 0 end )    as Female
  from SCHOOL_PLANE sp  inner join STUDENT_INFO si 
on  sp.CLASS_ID=si.STDNT_CLASS_PLANE_ID group by sp.CLASS_Name

select sp.CLASS_Name , count(*) as total 
     , sum( case si.STDNT_GENDER  when  1   then 1 else 0 end )    as Male
     , sum( case si.STDNT_GENDER  when  0   then 1 else 0 end )    as Female
  from SCHOOL_PLANE sp  inner join STUDENT_INFO si 
on  sp.CLASS_ID=si.STDNT_CLASS_PLANE_ID group by sp.CLASS_Name
select sp.CLASS_Name , count(*) as total 
     , count( case when si.STDNT_GENDER = 1   then 1  end )    as Male
     , count( case when si.STDNT_GENDER = 0   then 1  end )    as Female
  from SCHOOL_PLANE sp  inner join STUDENT_INFO si 
on  sp.CLASS_ID=si.STDNT_CLASS_PLANE_ID group by sp.CLASS_Name

Upvotes: 0

Sudhagar VJ
Sudhagar VJ

Reputation: 51

You should use:

select name, COUNT(*)as tot, 
  COUNT(case when details.gender='male' then 1 end) as male,
  COUNT(case when details.gender='female' then 1 end) as female 
  from details  group by name

Upvotes: 5


Reputation: 830

This worked for me. But, still it couldn't display 0 for both M and F for years where there is no data :

Select * from 
SELECT isnull (SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'M' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) as Male,
       isnull(SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'F' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END),0) as Female,
       registeredYear as 'year'

FROM student
WHERE registeredDate.Year = 2013 //could be a variable
group by registeredYear
 ) as s

value FOR gender IN (Male, Female) 
 ) Sub

Upvotes: 0

Gordon Linoff
Gordon Linoff

Reputation: 1270351

Your request seems very simple, but it has two complications. The first is that one row is a summary of the other two. This suggests using rollup or grouping sets in the query.

The second is the requirement to have values even when you have no data. This suggests the use of a "driver" subquery. Such a subquery defines all the rows in the output before assigning values. You use a driver table with left outer join.

An unstated requirement might be to only mention the year once.

The following approach to the query puts the final form together for the year. The then left joins the summary, pulling values from there if any:

with year as (
      select 2013 as Year
select driver.label, coalesce(s.value, 0) as Value, driver.Year
from ((select 'Male' as label, year from year
      ) union all
      (select 'Female' as label, year from year
      ) union all
      (select 'Total' as label, year from year
     ) driver left outer join
     (select coalesce(Gender, 'Total') as Gender, year.year, count(*) as value
      from Students cross join year
      group by Gender with Rollup
     ) s
     on driver.year = s.year;

This assumes that gender is represented as "Male" and "Female" and that there is a column called year in the data (without sample input or table formats one has to guess on column names and sample values).

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 130869

I believe this is about as efficient as you can get with just a single pass through the student table. Simply change the year in the year CTE as needed.

year as 
  select '2013' year
gender as (
  select 'Male' gender
  union all
  select 'Female' gender
select coalesce(g.gender,'Total') "Label", 
       count(s.gender) "Value", 
       y.year "Year"
  from gender g
  cross join year y
  left join student s
    on s.gender = g.gender
   and s.year = y.year
 group by grouping sets( (g.gender, y.year), (y.year) )
 order by case g.gender when 'Male' then 1 when 'Female' then 2 else 3 end

A fully normalized data model will likely have both a school year and gender table, so the CTEs would not be needed. (unless you really want to return rows for years that haven't any data)

Here is is a bare-bones sqlfiddle demonstration without student id and name as they are extraneous to the problem at hand.

Upvotes: 1

Amy B
Amy B

Reputation: 110151

Since you shouldn't mix grid formatting with data retrieval

  SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Male' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as MaleCount,
  SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) as FemaleCount,
  COUNT(*) as TotalCount
FROM student
WHERE registeredYear = 2013

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 10013

All the genders, then all the years, then the counts:

declare @Year int
set @Year = 2014

select labels.label,
    @Year as registeredYear
        (select 'Male' as label, 1 as sortOrder
        union all 
        select 'Female', 2
        union all
        select 'All', 3) as labels 
   left join
       (select gender, 
        count(1) cnt
        from student
        where registeredYear = @Year
        group by gender) as counts
    on labels.label = counts.gender     
    order by labels.sortOrder

Upvotes: 0

Mark Sowul
Mark Sowul

Reputation: 10610

Here's another variation, using UNPIVOT. This one specifically searches for only MALE and FEMALE so it's not as flexible as my other one (since you need to hardcode each gender). But it is probably the most efficient.

WITH AllYears (RegisteredYear) AS
    --SELECT DISTINCT RegisteredYear
    --FROM Student


    SELECT 2014
, GenderAndYearCounts AS
    SELECT RegisteredYear
        , SUM(CASE Gender WHEN 'MALE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) MaleCount
        , SUM(CASE Gender WHEN 'FEMALE' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) FemaleCount
        , COUNT(*) YearCount
    FROM Student
    GROUP BY RegisteredYear
, GenderAndYearCountsForAllYears AS
    SELECT AllYears.RegisteredYear
        , ISNULL(MaleCount, 0) AS MaleCount
        , ISNULL(FemaleCount, 0) AS FemaleCount
        , ISNULL(YearCount, 0) AS YearCount
    FROM AllYears
        LEFT JOIN GenderAndYearCounts ON GenderAndYearCounts.RegisteredYear = AllYears.RegisteredYear

SELECT Label, Value, RegisteredYear
    SELECT RegisteredYear, MaleCount AS Male, FemaleCount AS Female, YearCount AS Total
    FROM GenderAndYearCountsForAllYears
) allCounts

    Value FOR Label IN (Male, Female, Total)
) unpivotted

Upvotes: 0

Mark Sowul
Mark Sowul

Reputation: 10610

Try this, assuming no nulls in Gender or RegisteredYear:

WITH AllYears AS
   SELECT RegisteredYear
   FROM Student
   GROUP BY RegisteredYear

, AllGenders AS
   SELECT Gender
   FROM Student
   GROUP BY Gender

, AllGendersAndYears AS
   SELECT Gender, RegisteredYear
   FROM AllGenders, AllYears

SELECT Gender, RegisteredYear, CountForGenderAndYear
FROM AllGendersAndYears 
      SELECT COUNT(*) AS CountForGenderAndYear
      FROM Student
      WHERE Student.Gender = AllGendersAndYears.Gender
         AND Student.RegisteredYear = AllGendersAndYears.RegisteredYear
   ) countForGenderAndYear


SELECT 'Total', AllYears.RegisteredYear, CountForYear
FROM AllYears
      SELECT COUNT(*) AS CountForYear
      FROM Student
      WHERE Student.RegisteredYear = AllYears.RegisteredYear
   ) countForYear

Upvotes: 0

Axel Amthor
Axel Amthor

Reputation: 11106

something like this:

select 'Male' as Label, count(gender) as Value from student where gender= 'Male'
union (
select 'Female' as Label, count(gender) as Value from student where gender= 'Female' )
union (
select 'Total' as Label, count(gender) as Value from student )

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 11749

Just run this query...

     MAX(registeredYear) as Year
    ,SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Male' THEN 1 END) AS Male
    ,SUM(CASE WHEN gender = 'Female' THEN 1 END) AS Female
 FROM from student
 WHERE registeredYear = 2013
 GROUP BY registeredYear;

Upvotes: 0

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