Reputation: 19141
My goal is to create batch script that removes line itself (if possible) or text in given lines from files such as css file.
css file
200 /* K2START */
201 .foo { width: 1 }
202 .bar { width: 2 }
203 /* K2END */
I want to remove the text between line 200
and line 203
(including comment part). The line number could be changed because other people may add more text into the file. So my option is to find text K2START
and K2END
then remove text between those lines.
batch script
This returns "200: /* K2START */"
which is great. But I just can't figure out how to get the line number value "200" and use it.
findstr /N "K2START" "%K2DIR%\K2 smartforms Designer\Styles\Themes\Sun.css"
I also tried to loop through each line of css file to practice loop but somehow instead of going into each line of text in the css file, the entire path string (i.e. "%K2DIR%\K2 smartforms Designer\Styles\Themes\Sun.css"
) is treated as token.
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ("%K2DIR%\K2 smartforms Designer\Styles\Themes\Sun.css") DO (
@echo %%G
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1590
Reputation: 41277
This works in GnuSed - an invaluable tool.
sed "/\/\* K2START \*\//,/\/\* K2END \*\//d" file.css >newfile.css
The syntax is like this, where d is to delete from start text to end text
sed "/start/,/end/d" file.txt
It looks messy because of the escaping of the \ and *
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 3776
If you can get a gnu awk to run in what looks like a Microsoft environment,
awk -f hunter.awk file.txt
BEGIN {printing=1;} /\/* K2START \*\// { printing=0; next; } /\/* K2END \*\// { printing=1; next; } { if ( printing ) print; }
May I suggest the GnuWin32 project at
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 67256
@echo off
rem Get start and end line numbers of the unwanted section
set start=
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "K2START K2END" "smartforms Designer\Styles\Themes\Sun.css"') do (
if not defined start (
set start=%%a
) else (
set end=%%a
rem Copy all lines, excepting the ones in start-end section
(for /F "tokens=1* delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N "^" "smartforms Designer\Styles\Themes\Sun.css"') do (
if %%a lss %start% echo(%%b
if %%a gtr %end% echo(%%b
)) > newFile.css
Upvotes: 4