James Fleming
James Fleming

Reputation: 2589

Breezejs flips the EntityState from Added to Modified before Save

I am building a SPA per the guidance provided in John Papa's Jumpstart. When I create the model, it has

modelObservable().entityAspect.entityState.isAdded() = true;

I update the text, dropdown and modelObservable().entityAspect.entityState.isAdded() = false;

in my Datacontext:

  var createProject = function (position) {
            return manager.createEntity(entityNames.project,
                    positionId : position.id(),
                    start : position.start(),
                    memberId : position.memberId()

which is called from my add viewModel:

   define(['services/datacontext', 'durandal/plugins/router', 'durandal/system', 'durandal/app', 'services/logger', 'services/uiService'],
    function (datacontext, router, system, app, logger, ui) {
        var model = ko.observable();
        var position = ko.observable();
        var hourTypes = ko.observableArray([]);
        var isSaving = ko.observable(false);
        // init
        var activate = function (routeData) {
            logger.log('Add View Activated', null, 'add', true);
            var positionId = parseInt(routeData.id);

            return datacontext.getPositionById(positionId, position).then(**createProject**);

        var initLookups = function () {
            logger.log('initLookups', null, 'add', true);

        // state

        **var createProject = function () {
            return model(datacontext.createProject(position()));

        var addNewProject = function () {
            if (position == undefined || position().id() < 1) {
                console.log('callback addNewProject');
                setTimeout(function () {
                }, 1000);
            } else {
                datacontext.addProject(position(), model);

        var **save** = function () {

            function complete() {
            function goToEditView() {
                var url = '#/Projects/';
                router.navigateTo(url + model().id());

        var vm = {
            activate: activate,
            hourTypes: hourTypes,
            isAdded: isAdded,
            model: model,
            save: save,
            title: 'Details View'

        return vm;


the html

<section  data-bind="with:model">
     <h1 data-bind="text: name"> <i class="icon-asterisk" data-bind="visible: hasChanges" style="font-size: 30px;"></i></h1>
        <div class="errorPanel"></div>
        <div id="overview" class="project" >
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span4">
                    <label class="requiredLabel">Name*</label>
                    <input type="text" name="name" data-bind="value: name" style="width: 27em;" class="required" placeholder="Project Name" required validationMessage="Project Name required" /><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="title"></span>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span3"><label class="requiredLabel">Start*</label></div>
                <div class="span3"><label class="requiredLabel">End</label></div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span3"><input name="start" data-bind="shortDate: start" class="date required" required="required" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy" style=" width:142px"></div>
                <div class="span3"><input name="end"   data-bind="shortDate: end"  class="date" placeholder="mm/dd/yyyy"  style=" width:142px"><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="end"></span></div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span3"><label for="hourType" class="requiredLabel">Measure As*</label></div>
                <div class="span2"><label for="hoursPerWeek" class="requiredLabel">Hours/Week</label></div>
                <div class="span2"><label for="totalHours" class="requiredLabel">Total Hours</label></div>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span3">
                    <select id="hourType" data-bind="options: $parent.hourTypes, optionsText: 'name', value: hourType" required validationMessage="Measure As required"></select><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="hourType"></span>
                <div class="span2">
                    <input name="hoursPerWeek" type="number" min="1" max="120" required="required" data-bind="value: hoursPerWeek,  validationOptions: { errorElementClass: 'input-validation-error' }, enable: hourType().id() == 1" class="hours required"" style="width: 80px;"  validationMessage="Hours required"><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="projectHours"></span>
                    <span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="totalHours"></span>
                <div class="span2">
                    <input name="totalHours" type="number"  min="40" max="2080" required="required" data-bind="value: totalHours,  validationOptions: { errorElementClass: 'input-validation-error' }, enable: hourType().id() == 2" class="hours required"" style="width: 80px;"  validationMessage="Hours required"><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="projectHours"></span>
                    <span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="totalHours"></span>
            <div class="row">
                <div class="span4">
                    <label class="requiredLabel">Description*</label><span class="k-invalid-msg" data-for="description"></span><span id="posMinDesc" style="visibility:hidden"></span>
                    <textarea id="description" name="description" style="height: 200px; width: 650px;" data-bind="value: description, enabled:true, click: $parent.clearDefaults" rows="4" cols="60" class="richTextEditor k-textbox" required validationMessage="Description required" ></textarea>
    <div class="button-bar">
        <button class="btn btn-info"  data-bind="click:  $parent.goBack"><i class="icon-hand-left"></i> Back</button>
        <button class="btn btn-info"  data-bind="click:  $parent.save, enable:  $parent.canSave"><i class="icon-save"></i> Save</button>

The json breeze sends to my controller is this:

{ "entities": [ { "Id": -1, "Description": "poi", "End": null, "Gauge": 0, "Score": 0, "HourTypeId": 1, "HoursPerWeek": 45, "HourlyRate": null, "TotalHours": null, "WeightedHours": 0, "CreditMinutes": 0, "TotalCompensation": null, "IsCurrent": false, "Name": "poi", "PositionId": 1, "MemberId": 1, "Start": "2011-09-01T00:00:00Z", "undefined": false, "entityAspect": { "entityTypeName": "Project:#SkillTraxx.Model", "defaultResourceName": "Projects", "entityState": "Modified", "originalValuesMap": { "Name": "", "HourTypeId": 0, "HoursPerWeek": null, "Description": "" }, "autoGeneratedKey": { "propertyName": "Id", "autoGeneratedKeyType": "Identity" } } } ], "saveOptions": {} }

As you can see, the above is incorrect b/c state is "Modified" and the Id = -1. This throws an error server side. I suppose I could trap the DbUpdateConcurrencyException, unwind the JObject and change "Modified" to added, but that's got code smell all over it.

If anyone can help me find the face-palm moment in all of this, I'm ready. Thanks for looking!

Upvotes: 0

Views: 492

Answers (1)

James Fleming
James Fleming

Reputation: 2589

FACE PALMED IT I took Jays advice and started stripping away the html then I realize it was my handler. The update method on shortDate handler was responsible. I wrapped it in an if statement not to send the update if the current state is added.

ko.bindingHandlers.shortDate = {
    init: function (element, valueAccessor) {
        //attach an event handler to our dom element to handle user input
        element.onchange = function () {
            var value = valueAccessor();//get our observable
            //set our observable to the parsed date from the input
    update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor, viewModel) {
        var value = valueAccessor();
        var valueUnwrapped = ko.utils.unwrapObservable(value);
        if (valueUnwrapped) {
            element.value = moment(valueUnwrapped).format('L');
            if (!viewModel.entityAspect.entityState.isAdded())

Upvotes: 1

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