Reputation: 59
How would I format non-contiguous columns to be copied to another sheet? I know (thanks Serge) that you can do contiguous columns with the following!
say I need to do column A, C, K, AD, BB for example.
Is there a simpler way than assigning all columns you need different variables, getting them all individually, and putting them in the sheet you need?
Thanks for the help!
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Views: 2260
Reputation: 849
My answer is really a little redundant/academic, as the =QUERY()
function will allow you to do the what you want. eg =QUERY(A1:D31,"Select C, A, B")
I've also given an example of using it on the example sheet (linked below). QUERY
can also be used with =IMPORTRANGE()
explanation from @AdamL. I've included that functionality in my function too to demonstrate. Finally, my function can be used in a spreadsheet, or in a script with no modifications. There are examples of using QUERY(IMPORTRANGE())
and my function copyColumns
at my example spreadsheet.
I have included some validation so that the function can be used by less technical folks using spreadsheets. Hopefully it's useful to you too. I have made liberal use of JS functionality including RegExp,, and the Conditional Operator please ask for any clarity you need in the comments here.
The basics: It takes a string of the form "SheetName!A,C,B"
where the SheetName!
is optional. And it can take a starting row, with a default of 1. It can also deal with non local spreadsheets by being given a sheetKey (with or without starting row).
For example: =copyCoumns("MyDataSheet!C,A,W",8)
Will copy the columns C, A and W in that order starting with row 8.
Here's the function! Enjoy!
function copyColumns(sourceRange,start,sheetKey) {
// Initialize optional parameter
if(!sheetKey && typeof start !== "number") {
sheetKey = start;
start = 1;
} else {
start = start || 1;
// Check SourceRange Input
var inputRe = /^((.*?!)(?=[a-z],?|[a-i][a-z]))?[a-i]?[a-z](,[a-i]?[a-z])*$/i;
throw "Invalid SourceRange: " + sourceRange;
// Check Start Row
if(typeof start !== "number")
throw "Starting row must be a number! Got: " + start;
if(start % 1 !== 0)
throw "Starting row must be an integer! Got: " + start;
if(start < 1)
throw "Starting row can't be less than 1! Got: " + start;
// Get the Source Sheet
try {
var ss = sheetKey
? SpreadsheetApp.openById(sheetKey)
: SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
} catch(err) {
throw "Problem getting sheet" + sheetKey + " - " + err;
var sheetName = sourceRange.match(/^.*?(?=!)/);
var sheet = sheetName
? ss.getSheetByName(sheetName[0])
: ss.getActiveSheet();
// Check that everything is still valid
throw "Could not find sheet with name: " + sheetName;
if(start > sheet.getLastRow())
throw "No data beyond row: " + start + " Last row: " + sheet.getLastRow();
// Get the values
var lastCol = sheet.getLastColumn();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow()-start+1;
var values = sheet.getRange(start,1,lastRow,lastCol).getValues();
// Get the desired columns from the string
var desiredColMatch = sourceRange.match(/([a-i]?[a-z](,[a-i]?[a-z])*)$/i);
var desiredColumns = desiredColMatch[0].toUpperCase().split(",");
// In case the column we are trying to grab doesn't exist in the sheet
var lastColId = sheet.getMaxColumns() - 1; // Array is 0 indexed, Sheet is 1
// Get the numerical values of the passed in Column Ids
var columns ={
var num = colId.length - 1; // 0 or 1
var colNum = colId.charCodeAt(num)-65+num*26*(colId.charCodeAt(0)-64);
if(colNum > lastColId)
throw "Invalid Column: " + colId + " - Column not in: " + sheetName;
return colNum;
//Map the values to a new array of just the columns we want
return row[col]
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 24649
Probably not simpler, but I would say better performance, to get one big range encompassing all the columns you need with .get(Data)Range().getValues()
, use Javascript to strip down the array to only the columns you need, and use setValues()
to paste the values in one hit:
function copyValuesOnly() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var values = ss.getSheetByName('Source').getDataRange().getValues();
values.shift(); //remove header row
var columns = [0, 2, 10, 29, 53]; //array of zero-based indices of required columns
var output = [];
for (var i = 0, length = values.length; i < length; i++) {
output[i] = [];
for (var j = 0, width = columns.length; j < width; j++) {
output[i][j] = values[i][columns[j]];
ss.getSheetByName('Destination').getRange(2, 1, length, width).setValues(output);
The issue would be if you required copying formats and formulae as well, in which case the best option might be copy-pasting each column individually, as you mentioned.
Upvotes: 2