Reputation: 351
How can I copy the batch file to subdirectories, run it, then delete the batch file?
I am working on a batch file that will automatically change the folder icon of the folder it is in. Shown below:
attrib +s "%CD%"
set ICODIR=%CD%\Icon\
for %%F in ("%ICODIR%"*.ico) do set ICO=%%~nxF
set ICOINI=Desktop.ini
IF EXIST Desktop.ini (
attrib -s -h %ICOINI%
echo [.ShellClassInfo] > %ICOINI%
echo IconResource=%ICODIR:~2%%ICO%>>%ICOINI%
echo InfoTip=%ICO:~0,-4%>>%ICOINI%
attrib -a +s +h %ICOINI%
This works, after many problems found out that it will not create the folder icon until a file is deleted within that directory.
I have been trying to work on a for loop that will list all sub directories and store their names. Though it lists the root directory first. How can I get it to skip the root directory? Code shown Below:
for /R /D "delims=\" %%d IN (%CD%) do echo %%~nd
EDIT: Why is the file only made in the last folder?
for /D /R "%cd%" %%d IN (*) do (
set something=%%~nd
echo TEST>%something%\Desktop.txt
Upvotes: 1
Views: 475
Reputation: 37589
try this:
for /D /R "%cd%" %%d IN (*) do echo %%~d
wouldn't be listed.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 4142
For the second part, I found that adding an IF statement allows you to filter out the root of the search. Your example didn't work at all for me, so I had to modify it a little. /R prepends the current dir in the search (not %CD%) to the loop variable, so I had to strip some sentinel value out. I deemed it unlikely enough to find files with "ZZZZZ" in the name, but your filesystem may need a different sentinel.
FOR /R "%CD%" %%d IN (ZZZZZ) do @(SET "D=%%~d" & SET "D=!D:\ZZZZZ=!" & IF NOT "!D!"=="%CD%" @ECHO !D!)
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Reputation: 6620
Hmm.. Interesting scenario.
Try looking into the forfiles
command at .
However using the for
command this is the best solution I could come up with.
set /a count+=1
for /f "tokens=%count% delims=\" %%a in ("%CD%") do (echo %%a >
if %count% == 8 exit
goto :loop
Note this is not the best answer but it works. This instance will check a maximum of 7 directories in from the drive letter but by incrementing the if
This Worked for me, hope it helps.
Yours Mona.
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