Reputation: 876
I have below text in a CLOB in a table
Table Name: tbl1
col1 - number (Primary Key)
col2 - clob (as below)
Col1 = 1
Col2 =
1331882981,ab123456,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqr123223,Some more text...
Col1 = 2
Col2 =
1331882981,abc333,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqrs23,Some more text...
Now I need to know how we can get below output
Col1 Value
---- ---------------------
1 1331882981,ab123456
1 1331890329,pqr123223
2 1331882981,abc333
2 1331890329,pqrs23
([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+.), ==> This is the regular expression to match "1331890329,pqrs23" and I need to know how can replace which are not matching this regex and then split them into multiple rows
I am on Oracle and hence cannot use REGEXP_COUNT function :-( Also, the col2 is a CLOB which is massive
I've tried below query and it works fine for some records (i.e. if I add a "where" clause). But when I remove the "where", it never returns any result. I've tried to put this into a view and insert into a table and left it run overnight but still it had not completed :(
with t as (select col1, col2 from temp_table)
select col1,
cast(substr(regexp_substr(col2, '[^~]+', 1, level), 1, 50) as
varchar2(50)) data
from t
connect by level <= length(col2) - length(replace(col2, '~')) + 1
# of Chars in Clob Total ----------- ----- 0 - 1k 3196 1k - 5k 2865 5k - 25k 661 25k - 100k 36 > 100k 2 ----------- ----- Grand Total 6760
I have ~7k rows of clobs which have the distribution as shown above...
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2921
Reputation: 876
The above solutions didn't work and below is what I did.
update temp_table set col2=regexp_replace(col2,'([0-9]{10},[a-z0-9]+)','(\1)') ;
update temp_table set col2=regexp_replace(col2,'\),[\s\S]*~\(','(\1)$');
update temp_table set col2=regexp_replace(col2,'\).*?\(','$');
update temp_table set col2=replace(regexp_replace(col2,'\).*',''),'(','');
After these 4 update commands, the col2 will have something like
1 1331882981,ab123456$1331890329,pqr123223
2 1331882981,abc333$1331890329,pqrs23
Then I wrote a function to split this thing. The reason I went for the function is to split by "$" and the fact that the col2 still has >10k characters
create or replace function parse( p_clob in clob ) return sys.odciVarchar2List
l_offset number := 1;
l_clob clob := translate( p_clob, chr(13)|| chr(10) || chr(9), ' ' ) || '$';
l_hit number;
--Find occurance of "$" from l_offset
l_hit := instr( l_clob, '$', l_offset );
exit when nvl(l_hit,0) = 0;
--Extract string from l_offset to l_hit
pipe row ( substr(l_clob, l_offset , (l_hit - l_offset)) );
--Move offset
l_offset := l_hit+1;
end loop;
I then called
select col1,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(column_value, '[^,]+', 1, 1) col3,
REGEXP_SUBSTR(column_value, '[^,]+', 1, 2) col4
from temp_table, table(parse(temp_table.col2));
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Reputation: 14209
Well, you could try something like:
with v as
select 1 col1, '1331882981,ab123456,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqr123223,Some more text...' col2 from dual
union all
select 2 col1, '133188298777,abc333,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqrs23,Some more text...' col2 from dual
select distinct col1, regexp_substr(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', 1, level) split
from v
connect by level <= REGEXP_COUNT(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z0-9]+)')
order by col1
This gives:
1 1331882981,ab123456
1 1331890329,pqr123223
2 1331890329,pqrs23
2 3188298777,abc333
does not exist but you have workarounds. Here I replace the pattern found by something I hope I won't find in the text (here, XYZXYZ
but you can choose something much more complex to be confident), do a diff with the same matching but replaced by the empty string, then divide by my pattern length (here, 6
with v as
select 1 col1, '1331882981,ab123456,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqr123223,Some more text...' col2 from dual
union all
select 2 col1, '133188298777,abc333,Some text here
which can run multiple lines and have a lot of text...
~1331890329,pqrs23,Some more text...' col2 from dual
select distinct col1, regexp_substr(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', 1, level) split
from v
connect by level <= (length(REGEXP_REPLACE(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', 'XYZXYZ')) - length(REGEXP_REPLACE(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', ''))) / 6
order by col1
EDIT 2 : CLOBs (and LOBs in general) and regexp don't seem to fit well together:
ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB
Converting the CLOG to a string (regexp_substr(to_char(col2), ...
) seems to fix the issue.
EDIT 3 : CLOBs don't like distinct
either, so converting split result to char in an embedded request and then using the distinct
on the upper request succeeds !
select distinct col1, split from
select col1, to_char(regexp_substr(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', 1, level)) split
from temp_epn
connect by level <= (length(REGEXP_REPLACE(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', 'XYZXYZ')) - length(REGEXP_REPLACE(col2, '([0-9]{10},[a-z 0-9]+)', ''))) / 6
order by col1
Upvotes: 1