Reputation: 1
I need to create a batch command
that will keep one file from all the same extensions and delete the rest of them.
For example
, I have folder called Photograph on desktop
. It contains pictures that are all in .png
format. However, out of those files I want to keep birds.png
and delete the rest of pictures. How can I achieve this?
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Views: 227
Reputation: 41297
Don't run it in any other folder than the one you need it in. :)
@echo off
attrib +h bird.png
del *.png
attrib -h bird.png
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6620
Very easy. Use the for /r
for /r "Photograph" %%a in (*) do (
if %%~na NEQ [file to keep e.g. bird] del "%%a"
Run this from the desktop and it will delete all files put in the folder "Photograph" except for the file name put in the specified place.
I tried this myself and it worked fine. Tell me if you need anything else,
Yours Mona
forfiles /p "[pathtofile including file itself]" /c "cme.exe /c if @fname NEQ "bird" del @path"
That should work.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 1202
@echo off
if NOT EXIST %2 (
echo "Usage: allBut.bat <pattern> <filename>
for %%f in (%1) do (
IF NOT %%f==%2 (
echo Deleting %%f because it is not %2
del %%f
e.g. allBut *.png bird.png
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