Reputation: 18670
I'm looking for a javascript charting API that would allow user to dynamically modify value points (through drag'n drop) and then provide some callbacks to get those new values.
Do you have any suggestions?
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Views: 399
Reputation: 18670
There is a custom plugin for highcharts that provides dragging of chart points:
(function (Highcharts) { var addEvent = Highcharts.addEvent, each = Highcharts.each; /** * Filter by dragMin and dragMax */ function filterRange(newY, series, XOrY) { var options = series.options, dragMin = options['dragMin' + XOrY], dragMax = options['dragMax' + XOrY]; if (newY < dragMin) { newY = dragMin; } else if (newY > dragMax) { newY = dragMax; } return newY; } Highcharts.Chart.prototype.callbacks.push(function (chart) { var container = chart.container, dragPoint, dragX, dragY, dragPlotX, dragPlotY; chart.redraw(); // kill animation (why was this again?) addEvent(container, 'mousedown', function (e) { var hoverPoint = chart.hoverPoint, options; if (hoverPoint) { options = hoverPoint.series.options; if (options.draggableX) { dragPoint = hoverPoint; dragX = e.pageX; dragPlotX = dragPoint.plotX; } if (options.draggableY) { dragPoint = hoverPoint; dragY = e.pageY; dragPlotY = dragPoint.plotY + (chart.plotHeight - (dragPoint.yBottom || chart.plotHeight)); } // Disable zooming when dragging if (dragPoint) { chart.mouseIsDown = false; } } }); addEvent(container, 'mousemove', function (e) { if (dragPoint) { var deltaY = dragY - e.pageY, deltaX = dragX - e.pageX, newPlotX = dragPlotX - deltaX - dragPoint.series.xAxis.minPixelPadding, newPlotY = chart.plotHeight - dragPlotY + deltaY, newX = dragX === undefined ? dragPoint.x : dragPoint.series.xAxis.translate(newPlotX, true), newY = dragY === undefined ? dragPoint.y : dragPoint.series.yAxis.translate(newPlotY, true), series = dragPoint.series, proceed; newX = filterRange(newX, series, 'X'); newY = filterRange(newY, series, 'Y'); // Fire the 'drag' event with a default action to move the point. dragPoint.firePointEvent( 'drag', { newX: newX, newY: newY }, function () { proceed = true; dragPoint.update([newX, newY], false); chart.tooltip.refresh(chart.tooltip.shared ? [dragPoint] : dragPoint); if (series.stackKey) { chart.redraw(); } else { series.redraw(); } }); // The default handler has not run because of prevented default if (!proceed) { drop(); } } }); function drop(e) { if (dragPoint) { if (e) { var deltaX = dragX - e.pageX, deltaY = dragY - e.pageY, newPlotX = dragPlotX - deltaX - dragPoint.series.xAxis.minPixelPadding, newPlotY = chart.plotHeight - dragPlotY + deltaY, series = dragPoint.series, newX = dragX === undefined ? dragPoint.x : dragPoint.series.xAxis.translate(newPlotX, true), newY = dragY === undefined ? dragPoint.y : dragPoint.series.yAxis.translate(newPlotY, true); newX = filterRange(newX, series, 'X'); newY = filterRange(newY, series, 'Y'); dragPoint.update([newX, newY]); } dragPoint.firePointEvent('drop'); } dragPoint = dragX = dragY = undefined; } addEvent(document, 'mouseup', drop); addEvent(container, 'mouseleave', drop); }); /** * Extend the column chart tracker by visualizing the tracker object for small points */ var colProto = Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype, baseDrawTracker = colProto.drawTracker; colProto.drawTracker = function () { var series = this; baseDrawTracker.apply(series); each(series.points, function (point) { point.graphic.attr(point.shapeArgs.height < 3 ? { 'stroke': 'black', 'stroke-width': 2, 'dashstyle': 'shortdot' } : { 'stroke-width': series.options.borderWidth, 'dashstyle': series.options.dashStyle || 'solid' }); }); }; })(Highcharts);
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