Reputation: 2056
I expected I could proof, if a sample of p-variate normal random vectors has a theoretical mean value, by the hotellings test. But a crosscheck with ks.test, if the distribution from the HottelingsT2 function matches the distribution of the test statistic which is used by HottelingsT2-Test failed. It means that the simulated experiments has not the mean value 0, but obviously they have. So there should be something wrong in context. Are there some mistakes?
V<-matrix(c(644.03100226056, 184.319025225855, 572.5312199559, 143.106678641056, 184.319025225855, 73.5310268006399, 230.838267981476, 130.977532385651, 572.5312199559, 230.838267981476, 736.378779002912, 429.445506266528, 143.106678641056, 130.977532385651, 429.445506266528, 435.124191935888),treatment,treatment)
for(i in 1:R){
for(j in 1:subject){
for(e in experiment){
p.values<-c(p.values,HotellingsT2(e, mu=rep(0,treatment))[["p.value"]])
ks.test(p.values, punif,alternative = "two.sided")
Upvotes: 2
Views: 267
Reputation: 763
Hong Ooi is correct about this being a problem with set.seed
. I ran your code as it was posted and got the following results:
> ks.test(p.values, punif,alternative = "two.sided")
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: p.values
D = 0.0615, p-value = 2.729e-10
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
But if you change your code such that:
... everything the same before here ...
experiment <- list()
R <- 3000 # experiment
set.seed(42) # set new seed
for (i in 1:R) { # for each of 3000 experiments
e <- c() # empty vector
for (j in 1:subject){ # for each of 50 subjects
e <- c(e,rmvnorm(mean=rep(0,treatment),sigma=V,n=1,method="chol"))
experiment <- c(experiment,list(matrix(e,subject,treatment,byrow=T)))
... everything the same after here ...
Then you get the following:
> ks.test(p.values, punif,alternative = "two.sided")
One-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test
data: p.values
D = 0.0122, p-value = 0.7613
alternative hypothesis: two-sided
Essentially by continuing to set random seeds anew at every iteration, even though you are careful to choose a different value, you are still removing the independence of the successive draws.
Upvotes: 4
Reputation: 57696
I haven't checked the code, but I wouldn't be surprised if this was the same problem as described in Klaus' other post: Using Kolmogorov Smirnov Test in R. Basically, don't put set.seed
in the middle of the loop: set it once, at the top of the code, and leave it alone afterwards.
Upvotes: 2