Reputation: 40773
I have a Tcl package which consists of a couple modules, unit tests, and samples; which I am looking to distribute. I have searched, but not found any easy/simple way to create installation script for it. I looked at other packages such as Tclx and looks like they use autotools--an untouched territory for me. So, is autotools the only way? My target platforms are mostly Macs and Linux, but might expand to Windows in the future.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 189
Reputation: 40773
It seems I have to create my own setup script. Right now, it is very crude: copy files to a location. It works for me now. I will continue to enhance my setup script to fix bugs and add features as the need arise. Here is my setup.tcl
# Crude setup script for my package
# ======================================================================
# Configurable items
# ======================================================================
# Install dir: $destLib/$packagename
set destLib [file join ~ Library Tcl]
set packageName tcl_tools
# List of source/dest to install
set filesList {
# ======================================================================
# Determine the destination lib dir
# ======================================================================
if {[llength $::argv] == 1} {
set destLib [lindex $::argv 0]
if {[lsearch $auto_path $destLib] == -1} {
puts "ERROR: Invalid directory to install. Must be one of these:"
puts "[join $auto_path \n]"
exit 1
set destLib [file join $destLib $packageName]
file mkdir $destLib
# ======================================================================
# Install
# ======================================================================
foreach source $filesList {
set dest [file join $destLib $source]
puts "Installing $dest"
# Create destination dir if needed
set destDir [file dirname $dest]
if {![file isdirectory $destDir]} { file mkdir $destDir }
# Copy
file copy $source $dest
puts "Done"
Upvotes: 1