Reputation: 26877
I'm trying reactiveui, and I don't understand how to make a simple scenario work: I have a method that listens for messages in a chat room. So, it's long running, and fires events when a message is found.
using reactiveui, I want to kick off this long running method when the window opens, and have new messages populated on the screen in a listbox. Because I'm using rx, I assumed I'd need an IObseravble version of the long running method, so I made one like this:
public static IObservable<Message> ObservableStream(int roomid, CancellationToken token)
return Observable.Create<Message>(
async (IObserver<Message> observer) =>
But, I've no idea how to plumb this into reactiveui. Would I need a ObservableAsPropertyHelper<List<Message>>
? At the moment I just kick off the long running method in a Task.Factory.Startnew
and then on events I manually add to a list of messages, which is bound to the front end list box. This works but it's not using any reactiveui, and it strikes me that there should be a reactiveui way to do this:
public class MainWindowViewModel : ReactiveObject
private ThreadSafeObservableCollection<Message> _Messages;
public ThreadSafeObservableCollection<Message> Messages
get { return _Messages; }
set {
this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(x => x._Messages, value);
public MainWindowViewModel()
Client.NewMessage += (sender, args) => Messages.Add(args.Message);
var task = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => Client.GetStream(token), token, TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning, TaskScheduler.Current);
// IN the code-behind
this.OneWayBind(ViewModel, x => x.Messages, x => x.MessageList.ItemsSource);
Upvotes: 2
Views: 311
Reputation: 74654
How about:
var Messages = ObservableStream(...).CreateCollection();
Then, you can listen to Messages for ItemAdded
et al, or just bind it via OneWayBind
and the UI will automatically update.
Would I need a ObservableAsPropertyHelper> ?
So, normally this would be a good idea for most Web API calls, but since you're streaming the list instead of replacing the list every time, you need to create a collection at startup and add items to it as they come in. Another way you could do this is:
var Messages = new ReactiveList<Message>();
ObservableStream(...).ObserveOn(RxApp.MainThreadScheduler).Subscribe(x => Message.Add(x));
Upvotes: 2