Reputation: 234
I have ruby version 1.9.3 installed on my machine and working on an octopress project for my personal website.
I used rvm for my gems and followed all the steps documented by But I found some errors in my rake server. Here is my command log.
Tin-Aung-Linn:octopress tal$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p448 (2013-06-27 revision 41675) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0]
Tin-Aung-Linn:octopress tal$ rake generate
## Generating Site with Jekyll
identical source/stylesheets/screen.css
Configuration from /Users/tal/Sites/
Building site: source -> public/github
Successfully generated site: source -> public/github
Tin-Aung-Linn:octopress tal$ rake preview
Starting to watch source with Jekyll and Compass. Starting Rack on port 4000
Configuration from /Users/tal/Sites/
[2013-07-04 14:50:23] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2013-07-04 14:50:23] INFO ruby 1.9.3 (2013-06-27) [x86_64-darwin12.4.0]
[2013-07-04 14:50:23] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=51669 port=4000
Auto-regenerating enabled: source -> public/github
[2013-07-04 14:50:23] regeneration: 112 files changed
>>> Change detected at 14:50:23 to: screen.scss
identical public/github/stylesheets/screen.css
Dear developers making use of FSSM in your projects,
FSSM is essentially dead at this point. Further development will
be taking place in the new shared guard/listen project. Please
let us know if you need help transitioning! ^_^b
- Travis Tilley
>>> Compass is watching for changes. Press Ctrl-C to Stop. - - [04/Jul/2013 14:50:34] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 404 - 0.0208 - - [04/Jul/2013 14:50:34] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 - 0.0015
[2013-07-04 14:50:41] INFO going to shutdown ...
Tin-Aung-Linn:octopress tal$
Anyone helps me. Tin Aung Linn
Upvotes: 6
Views: 1846
Reputation: 234
Solved by @Frederick's comment and closed this thread.
if the generated index is in public/mysite then you'd have to hit localhost:4000/mysite to see the files –
Upvotes: 2