Reputation: 91
I have an R script that accepts command line arguments that I want to convert to an Rtex or Rnw file to be knitted with a command like:
knit('myScript.Rtex "-args arg1=a arg2=b"')
but I cannot figure out how to get my command line arguments into myScript.Rtex [for evaluation therein by args <- commandArgs()
]. I am trying to avoid writing temporary files that could contain the same information and be read by myScript.Rtex, because that seems unnecessarily untidy. Please can somebody provide a suggestion/solution?
So, long story short, how best to get information into a chunk in a .Rnw file that is equivalent (or at least similar) to processing command line arguments in a .R file?
I want to use them in the computation. For example, I had an R script run like
R CMD BATCH --slave --no-save --no-restore "--args input=blah" myScript.R
Now I'd like to pass the same argument to myScript.Rnw
, which is a version of myScript.R
, but interspersed LaTeX and R code chunks. So the broader issue is simply that for knitr report processing to be useful for me I need a way to change the data that the report is run on. I have a workaround - but I'd sure like to know if I can pass command line arguments to a chunk in my .Rnw file. Right now I cannot do that.
This is my workaround:
if [ $# -ne 2 ];
then ` echo "Usage: $0 refdir cmpdir" exit 1`
script=$(dirname $0)'/viirs_edr_UseR_compare.Rnw'
R --slave --no-save --no-restore -e "require(knitr); knit('$script')" &> viirs_edr_UseR_compare.log
pdflatex viirs_edr_UseR_compare.tex
exit 0
I use Sys.getenv()
in *viirs_edr_UseR_compare.Rnw* to extract parameters I want to pass, e.g., CSPP_VIIRS_EDR_REFERENCE_DIR.
Upvotes: 9
Views: 2591
Reputation: 1894
I had the same problem and ended up using the following commands (using make
# set parameters
P1=some parameter
P2=some other parameter
# top target
all : report.html
# convert Markdown to HTML
%.html :
Rscript -e 'require(markdown);markdownToHTML("$<","$@")'
# knit Rmd passing parameters : %.Rmd
Rscript -e 'param1<-$(P1);param2<-$(P2);require(knitr);knit("$<")'
In report.Rmd
I can use str(c(param1,param2))
in a code chunk and running make
will produce an HTML file containing chr [1:2] "some parameter" "some other parameter"
If you are not using make
, just specify how you want to knit
and where you are getting the parameters from and I can help you to adjust my solution to your needs.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 4414
You could write a R script instead of a bash one:
args <- commandArgs(TRUE)
if (length(args) < 2) stop("Bad args, usage refdir cmpdir")
refdir <- args[1]
cmpdir <- args[2]
Then you launch it like this:
Rscript my_script_launcher.R foo bar
Upvotes: 4