Reputation: 129
I am trying to read a column of cells and when it finds a cell with info in it create a new work book and use that cell as the name. I am trying to save it to a folder on my desktop named Book1. I am a little stuck and not sure where to go next any ideas???
Sub blair()
Dim Aname As String
For ptr = 2 To 300
If Cells(ptr, "b") = vbNullString Then
Cells(ptr, "b") = Cells(ptr, "a").Offset(-1, 0)
ElseIf Cells(ptr, "b") > 0 Then
Aname = ActiveCell.Value
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=Aname & ".xls"
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 1
Views: 252
Reputation: 55702
One option is below.
is used to make the new versions, rather than creating, saving and closing a new workook repeatedlySome further minor tweaks may be needed if your data format varied. For example, testing for characters that cannot be used in file names.
Sub NB()
Dim X
Dim lngCnt As Long
Dim strDT As String
Dim strNewBook As String
Dim objWS As Object
Dim WB As Workbook
Dim bNewBook As Boolean
Set objWS = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
strDT = objWS.SpecialFolders("Desktop") & "\Book1"
If Len(Dir(strDT, vbDirectory)) = 0 Then
MsgBox "No such directory", vbCritical
Exit Sub
End If
X = Range([a1], Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp)).Value2
For lngCnt = 1 To UBound(X, 1)
If Len(X(lngCnt, 1)) > 0 Then
If Not bNewBook Then
'make a single sheet workbook for first value
Set WB = Workbooks.Add(1)
WB.SaveAs strDT & "\" & X(lngCnt, 1) & ".xls"
strNewBook = WB.FullName
bNewBook = True
FileCopy strNewBook, strDT & "\" & X(lngCnt, 1) & ".xls"
End If
End If
End Sub
Upvotes: 2