Reputation: 131
I have a Behavior whose value I want to change based on the occurrence of an Event and the Behavior's current value. In the example below I have two counters that are updated based on whether a boolean behaviour is True or False. As it is this code crashes with a <<loop>>
exception, but I'm unsure how to restructure it to work or how else to approach this problem.
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Reactive.Banana
import Reactive.Banana.Frameworks
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Fix
counter :: Bool -> Event t Int -> Behavior t Bool -> (Behavior t Int, Event t (Bool -> Bool))
counter b input active = (result, whenE ((b/=) <$> active) (fmap (const not) input))
where result = accumB 0 (fmap (+) evt')
evt' = whenE ((b==) <$> active) input
alternater :: Event t Int -> Behavior t Bool -> (Behavior t (Bool, (Int, Int)), Event t (Bool -> Bool))
alternater input active = ((,) <$> active <*> ((,) <$> fst t1 <*> fst t2), snd t1 `union` snd t2)
where t1 = counter True input active
t2 = counter False input active
main :: IO ()
main = do
(inputHandler, fireInput) <- newAddHandler
let network :: forall t . Frameworks t => Moment t ()
network = do
eInput <- fromAddHandler inputHandler
let ui :: Behavior t (Bool, (Int, Int)) -> Moment t (Behavior t (Bool, (Int, Int)))
ui b = do
let (behavior, evt) = alternater eInput (fst <$> b)
return $ stepper id (fmap (***id) evt) <*> behavior
output <- changes =<< mfix ui
reactimate $ putStrLn . show <$> output
forkIO $ actuate =<< compile network
forever $ getLine >>= fireInput . read
Upvotes: 3
Views: 462
Reputation: 11064
The exception is correct, you are defining a behavior directly in terms of itself.
alternater .. active = (.. <$> active <*> .. , ..)
ui b = do
let (behavior, ..) = alternater .. (.. <$> b)
return $ .. <*> behavior
... mfix ui
This code means that the current value of the result behavior in ui
would depend on itself in a circular way.
Recursion always needs a little delay to be well-defined. The most convenient way to do that is to use mutual recursion between an event and a behavior built with stepper
or accumB
. See also this answer.
Upvotes: 1