Reputation: 1703
This is related to another question I posted here, but it's still boggling my mind.
I have a simple backbone model instance, called searchResult
that I have working great within my view.
What I'm basically trying to do is simple; reset the an area of content inside the view as this model changes.
For some reason, when I'm inside a the view, this code doesn't seem to work correctly, though it seems it should:
View Code:
define [
], (Marionette, $, _, Backbone, SidebarTemplate, SidebarModel, categoriesView, categoriesCollection, storesView, storesCollection, SearchResult) ->
class SidebarLayout extends Marionette.Layout
template: _.template SidebarTemplate
id: 'sidebar'
className: 'js-sidebar marionette-layout'
tagName: 'aside'
form: 'form'
categoriesList: '#categories-list'
storesList: '#stores-list'
searchInput: ""
logo: "strong#logo a"
lower: ".lower"
top: ".top"
"click strong#logo a": "goHome"
"submit .top form": "search"
"click button.submit": "search"
# "keyup": "quickSearch"
initialize: (opts) ->
@router = opts.router
# event triggers
@on "sidebar:finished", @resize, @
# override the categories display event = (view) ->
this.$el.slideDown(250, "easeOutExpo")
# override the stores display event = (view) ->
this.$el.slideDown(250, "easeOutExpo")
# override the categories remove event
@categoriesList.remove = (view) ->
this.$el.slideUp(250, "easeOutExpo", -> $(this).remove())
# override the stores display event
@storesList.remove = (view) ->
console.log 'stores remove'
this.$el.slideUp(250, "easeOutExpo", -> $(this).remove())
globalListeners: ->
# bind app vent and other global handlers
# app.vent.on "search:setParams", @setSearchInput
# SearchResult.on "change:params", @setSidebar, @
# bind to changes to search params.
# SearchResult.listenTo @, "change:params", @setSidebar()
SearchResult.listenTo @, "change", @setSidebar()
# SearchResult.on "change:params", @render, @
resize: =>
sidebarHeight = @$el.height()
topHeight =
@ui.lower.height(sidebarHeight - topHeight)
setSidebar: (input=true) =>
# console.dir "SidebarLayout: setSidebarContent"
if input then @setSearchInput()
if SearchResult.get("params")
switch SearchResult.get("params").type
when "categories"
when "text"
setSearchInput: ->
if SearchResult.get("params")?
searchTerm = SearchResult.get("query")
@ui.searchInput.attr("value", searchTerm)
@ui.searchInput.attr("value", "")
setStores: ->
stores = new storesCollection()
success: =>
@storesView = new storesView
collection: stores @storesView
@trigger "sidebar:finished"
setCategories: ->
# console.log 'SidebarLayout: setCategories'
categories = new categoriesCollection()
success: =>
@categoriesView = new categoriesView
collection: categories @categoriesView
@trigger "sidebar:finished"
reset: =>
"opacity": 0
"margin-left": "-500px"
slideSidebarIn: =>
, 500, -> app.reqres.setHandler "sidebar:visible", -> true
goHome: (e) =>
# @router.navigate "/", trigger: true
# we're going to avoid using navigate,
# too complex to refactor at this point
window.location = "/"
quickSearch: =>
# not working yet.
value = @ui.searchInput.val()
SearchResult.set("value", value)
search: (e) =>
value = @ui.searchInput.val()
app.router.navigate "search/#{value}?type=text", trigger: true
onBeforeRender: =>
unless app.request("sidebar:visible") is true
onRender: =>
# console.dir 'SidebarLayout: render'
setTimeout =>
, 50
if app.request("sidebar:visible") is false
The issue is with this line:
searchResult.on "change:params", @setSidebarContent, @
I get this error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method 'show' of undefined
I'm assuming this has something to do with the region not being defined, or a relevant context not being passed through.
So, after tons of research and about 5 hours of nonsense, I read up on the docs for listenTo and it seems this code should work:
@listenTo searchResult, "change:params", @setSidebarContent()
The only way I was actually able to get it working, however, was to do this exact code:
searchResult.listenTo @, "change:params", @setSidebarContent()
So, I have it working now, and beautifully. I'm just confused why on earth I had to pass it through this way and why that first way didn't seem to work?
Upvotes: 1
Views: 2861
Reputation: 41
Remove the ()
after @setSidebarContent
- this has gotten me in the past too.
@listenTo searchResult, "change:params", @setSidebarContent
Upvotes: 4