Reputation: 13
My script below searches for a specific part number (459279) recursively through a number of txt files.
set-location C:\Users\admin\Desktop\PartNumbers\
$exclude = @('PartNumbers.txt','*.ps1')
$Line = [Environment]::NewLine
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Exclude $exclude | select-string 459279 | group count | Format-Table -Wrap -AutoSize -Property Count,
@{Expression={$_.Group | foreach { $_.filename} | Foreach {"$_$Line"} }; Name="Filename"},
@{Expression={$_.Group | foreach {$_.LineNumber} | Foreach {"$_$Line"} }; Name="LineNumbers"} | Out-File 459279Results.txt
My Results are:
Count Filename LineNumbers
----- -------- -----------
2 {Customer1.txt {2
, Customer2.txt , 3
} }
My ideal results would be if this is possible:
Part Number: 459279
Count: 2
Filename LineNumbers
-------- -----------
Customer1.txt 2
Customer2.txt 3
I have manually retrieved the part number '459279' from "PartNumbers.txt" and searched for it using the script.
I cannot seem to remove/replace the braces and commas to present a clean list.
What I hope to eventually do is to recursively search through "PartNumbers.txt" and produce a report with each part number appended to the next in the style mentioned above.
PartNumbers.txt is formatted:
Customer*.txt are formatted:
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1114
Reputation: 200503
Something like this should work:
$exclude = 'PartNumbers.txt', '*.ps1'
$root = 'C:\Users\admin\Desktop\PartNumbers'
$outfile = Join-Path $root 'loopResults.txt'
Get-Content (Join-Path $root 'PartNumbers.txt') | % {
$partno = $_
$found = Get-ChildItem $root -Recurse -Exclude $exclude `
| ? { -not $_.PSIsContainer } `
| Select-String $partno `
| % {
$a = $_ -split ':'
New-Object -Type PSCustomObject -Property @{
'Filename' = Split-Path -Leaf $a[1];
'LineNumbers' = $a[2]
"Part Number: $partno"
'Count: ' + @($found).Count
$found | Format-Table Filename, LineNumbers
} | Out-File $outfile -Append
Upvotes: 1