Nir Gavish
Nir Gavish

Reputation: 1044

angularjs filter (not working)

The following HTML, Javascript and JSON render correctly, but the filter does not work at all. What are we doing wrong?

<div data-ng-controller="dashboard_controller">
        <input type="text" data-ng-model="catalog_filter" placeholder="Filter Distributors">

    <div class="catalogs_listing">
        <ul data-ng-repeat="catalog in catalogs | filter:catalog_filter">
            <li><a href="{{catalog.distributor_id}}/d/products/catalog_view/{{catalog.uid}}">
                <div class="catalog_thumb">
                    <div class="catalog_thumb_image">
                        <img src="{{catalog.thumb_image}}" />
                <div class="catalog_info">

The Javascript:

app.controller('dashboard_controller', function ($scope, $http) {
    $http.get('./api/distributors/my').then(function (res) {
        $scope.distributors =;
    $http.get('./api/dashboard/catalogs').then(function (res) {
        $scope.catalogs =;

And these 2 JSONs:


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Upvotes: 16

Views: 45204

Answers (7)


Reputation: 41

Angular filters cannot handle an object of objects as input, however, to resolve the issue you are facing, you can add a watch to the catalog_filter. As follows:

$scope.$watch('catalog_filter', function (value) {
        regex = new RegExp($scope.catalog_filter);
         if (!$scope.catalog_filter) return true;
         return regex.test(catalog.uid); /* can create multiple conditions based on the requirement*/

Doing this the filter acts on the input text and filters when the text changes.

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 10015

What Is Worth Mentioning...

Given, this is rather a corner case, but I thought I'd share.

You've a data-structure; it needs to be a collection, but it requires very SOLID fundamentals and its own methods due to expected growth, complexity, or other constraints. So you decide to prototype this object as an array.

var OrdersDataModel = function OrdersDataModel(orders) {
    var thus = this;
    var orders = orders || [];

    function loadData(data) {
        this.splice.apply(this, [0, this.length].concat(data || orders));
        return this;
    function serialize() {
        var serialized = JSON.stringify(this);
        return serialized;
    function marshalData() {
        var marshalled = JSON.parse(this.serialize());
        return marshalled;

    // export precepts
    this.load = loadData;
    this.serialize = serialize;
    this.marshalData = marshalData;

    return this;
OrdersDataModel.prototype = new Array();

This may suit your needs and perform well in your ng-repeat -- until comes the need to filter your "array":

<element ng-repeat="order in orders | filter:q" />

Your filter will fail (probably simply due to type-checks), and you'll wast a little time perhaps.

In my case, it can be easily remedied by modding my serialize method from

var serialized = JSON.stringify(this);

-- to --

var serialized = JSON.stringify(this.slice(0));

Though, a much better way to accomplish my goal would be to decorate an array using either the Decorator Pattern or Constructor-Hijacking:

Instead of:

OrdersDataModel.prototype = new Array();
this.orders = new OrdersDataModel();

-- use --

this.orders = OrdersDataModel.apply([]);

A lot of this may seem a little extraneous, but I expect this (and its encompassing module/controller) to expand quickly, so I've stuck as much to SOLID as possible to keep it air-tight.

Hope this saves you some time!

Upvotes: 1

Bruno Peres
Bruno Peres

Reputation: 3256

You can use the toArrayFilter that converts the object to an array so it can be used by regular filters.

In your case it would be as:

<div ng-repeat="catalog in catalogs | toArray | filter:catalog_filter">
  {{ catalog.$key }} - {{ catalog.someProp }}
  <!-- code -->

Upvotes: 1


Reputation: 441

As Narretz already mentioned, Angular filters cannot handle an object of objects as input. But you can write your own simple filter converting the object of objects into an array of objects. You can use the angular filters behind your array filter by chaining.

<ul data-ng-repeat="catalog in catalogs | array | filter:catalog_filter">

Your array filter could be as simple as this:

app.filter('array', function() {
  return function(items) {
    var filtered = [];
    angular.forEach(items, function(item) {
   return filtered;

Upvotes: 34


Reputation: 1108

Very helpful to know ... here's a more generic version of alfrescian's solution, to filter a list of objects by a sub-key.

app.filter('objFilter', function() {
  return function(items, filter) {
      if (!filter){
          return items;
      var result = {};
        angular.forEach( filter, function(filterVal, filterKey) {
          angular.forEach(items, function(item, key) {
              var fieldVal = item[filterKey];
              if (fieldVal && fieldVal.toLowerCase().indexOf(filterVal.toLowerCase()) > -1){
                  result[key] = item;
        return result;

You can then have multiple filter boxes, like this

<input ng:model="filter.firstName"/>
<input ng:model="filter.lastName"/>
<input ng:model=""/>    

And your ng-repeat would look like this

<ul ng:repeat="cust in customers | objFilter: filter">
    <a href="mailto:{{}}">{{cust.firstName}} {{cust.lastName}}</a>

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 4993

Angular filters cannot handle an object of objects as input. ng-repeat can render them, but filters expect an array of objects. The easiest way to fix this is to let the server return an array without named keys. You could also transform the response in angular after each request (more expensive).

Upvotes: 43


Reputation: 4079

Assuming that you'd like to filter in catalogs using distributor name then the following custom filter does the job:

<div data-ng-controller="dashboard_controller">

    <input type="text" data-ng-model="catalog_filter"  placeholder="Filter Distributors">

    <div class="catalogs_listing">
        <ul data-ng-repeat="catalog in catalogs | distributorName: catalog_filter:distributors">
            <li> <a href="{{catalog.distributor_id}}/d/products/catalog_view/{{catalog.uid}}">
                <div class="catalog_thumb">
                    <div class="catalog_thumb_image">
                        <span>demo - no image</span>
                <div class="catalog_info">
                    <h2>{{distributors[catalog.distributor_id].name}} <span>{{catalog.products_count}}p</span></h2>


app.filter('distributorName', function() {
  return function(items, filterValue, distributors) {
      if (!filterValue){
          return items;
      var result = {};
        angular.forEach(items, function(value, key) {
            var distributor = distributors[value.distributor_id];
            if (distributor && && > -1){
                result[key] = value;
        return result;

JSFiddle with local data:

Upvotes: 3

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