Reputation: 87
I have the below script to upload and convert multiple files, but i want to store the original filename in the database field "positie".
Now i am not getting any result, why is $_FILES['image_file']['name'] on line 149
not working ?
// Include configuration file and general functions
define('PMR', 'true');
define('PMRADMIN', 'true');
include ( '.././config.php' );
include ( PATH . '/defaults.php' );
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
// Title tag content
$title = $lang['Photo_Gallery'];
// Template header
include ( PATH . '/admin/template/header.php' );
// If logged we can start the page output
if (adminAuth($session->fetch('adminlogin'), $session->fetch('adminpassword')))
// Include navigation panel
include ( PATH . '/admin/navigation.php' );
// Make sure this administrator have access to this script
adminPermissionsCheck('manage_gallery', $session->fetch('adminlogin')) or error ('Critical Error', 'Incorrect privileges');
// Make sure the get variables passed to the script are okay
if (isset($_GET['id']) && eregi('^[0-9]+$', $_GET['id'])
&& isset($_GET['userid']) && eregi('^[0-9]+$', $_GET['userid']))
// Fetching the listing data
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . PROPERTIES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = "' . safehtml($_GET['id']) . '" LIMIT 1';
$r = $db->query( $sql );
$f = $db->fetcharray( $r );
// If the Submit button was pressed we start this routine
// If user submitted a new gallery information or updated an
// old one we add it or update the old record in the database
// If user submitted a new gallery information or updated an
// old one we add it or update the old record in the database
if (((isset($_POST['submit_gallery'])
&& $_POST['submit_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit']))
OR ((isset($_POST['update_gallery'])
&& $_POST['update_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Update'])))
$form = array();
$form = array_map('safehtml', $_POST);
$form['description'] = substr ($form['description'], 0, $conf['gallery_description_size']);
echo table_header ( $lang['Information'] );
// Initially we think that no errors were found
$count_error = 0;
// Check for the empty or incorrect required fields
// Check if this user have reached the maximum
// number of possible photos set by admin
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . GALLERY_TABLE . ' WHERE listingid = ' . $f['id'] . '';
$r = $db->query($sql) or error ('Critical Error', mysql_error () );
// if ($db->numrows($r) >= $conf['max_number_of_photos'] )
//{ echo $lang['Maximum_Number_Of_Photos_Reached'] . '<br />'; $count_error++;}
//if (empty($form['title']) || strlen($form['title']) < 4 )
//{ echo $lang['Field_Empty'] . ' - <span class="warning">' . $lang['Photo_Gallery_Title'] . '</span><br />'; $count_error++;}
if (empty($form['id']) && !isset($_POST['submit_gallery']))
{ echo $lang['Field_Empty'] . ' - <span class="warning">ID</span><br />'; $count_error++;}
if (empty($_FILES['image_file']['tmp_name']))
{ echo $lang['Field_Empty'] . ' - <span class="warning">' . $lang['Listing_Image_File'] . '</span><br />'; $count_error++;}
if ($count_error > '0')
echo '<br /><span class="warning">' . $lang['Errors_Found'] . ': ' . $count_error . '</span><br />';
// If no errors were found during the above checks we continue
if ($count_error == '0')
// Update user details in the database
// Get the user IP address
$user_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// If there is more than one IP
// get the first one from the
// comma separated list
if ( strstr($user_ip, ', ') )
$ips = explode(', ', $user_ip);
$user_ip = $ips[0];
// If the gallery details were submitted
// we generate the INSERT query
if (isset($_POST['submit_gallery'])
&& $_POST['submit_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit'])
//voor iedere foto
foreach ($_FILES['image_file']['tmp_name'] as $filename) {
echo "type is ".$_FILES['image_file']['type'][$countimages]."<br />";
if($_FILES['image_file']['type'][$countimages] == "image/bmp")
//echo "filename is ".$filename."<br />";
$imageObject = imagecreatefrombmp($filename);
imagejpeg($imageObject, $filename);
if($_FILES['image_file']['type'][$countimages] == "image/png")
//echo "filename is ".$filename."<br />";
$imageObject = imagecreatefrompng($filename);
imagejpeg($imageObject, $filename);
if($_FILES['image_file']['type'][$countimages] == "image/gif")
//echo "filename is ".$filename."<br />";
$imageObject = imagecreatefromgif($filename);
imagejpeg($imageObject, $filename);
// Create a mysql query
' (userid, listingid, title, description, date_added, ip_added, positie)
("' . $_GET['userid'] . '", "' . $f['id'] . '", "' . $filename . '",
"' . $form['description']. '", "' . date('Y-m-d') . '",
"' . $user_ip . '"), "' . $_FILES['image_file']['name']. '"';
// If the gallery details were update we do UPDATE
if (isset($_POST['update_gallery'])
&& $_POST['update_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Update'])
// Create a mysql query
' SET title = "' . $form['title'] . '",
description = "' . $form['description']. '",
date_updated = "' . date('Y-m-d') . '",
ip_updated = "' . $user_ip . '"
WHERE id = "' . intval($_POST['id']) . '"';
$db->query($sql) or error ('Critical Error', mysql_error ());
// We think that the image is uploaded or will
// return FALSE if the upload_image function
// will fail
$uploaded = TRUE;
if (isset($_POST['id']))
$id = $_POST['id'];
if (isset($_POST['submit_gallery'])
&& $_POST['submit_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit'])
$id = mysql_insert_id();
// Upload and resize the image
upload_image ( 'gallery', $id, $filename, $conf['gallery_resampled_width'] ) or $uploaded = FALSE;
// Output the 'Thank you' message
echo $lang['Gallery_Updated'];
echo table_footer ( );
// If the item was removed from the gallery
if (isset($_POST['remove_gallery'])
&& $_POST['remove_gallery'] == $lang['Photo_Gallery_Remove']
&& isset($_POST['id']))
foreach($_POST['id'] as $remove_id){
echo table_header ( $lang['Information'] );
// Create a mysql query
' WHERE id = "' . safehtml($remove_id) . '" LIMIT 1';
// Removing item from the gallery
$db->query($sql) or error ('Critical Error', mysql_error ());
// Removing gallery item photo
remove_image ( 'gallery' , intval($remove_id));
// Output the 'Thank you' message
echo $lang['Gallery_Removed'];
echo table_footer ( );
// Navigation
echo table_header ( $lang['Navigation'] );
// Back to the listing search page using the cached search values
echo '- <a href="' . URL . '/admin/findlistings.php?' . $session->fetch('listingsearchvariables') . '">' . $lang['Search_Back_Listing'] . '</a><br />';
echo table_footer ();
// Main form
echo table_header ( $lang['Photo_Gallery'] );
echo '<form action = "' . URL . '/admin/editgallery.php?id=' . intval($_GET['id']) . '&userid=' . intval($_GET['userid']) . '" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
// Print out all the image gallery items available for this
// listing
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM ' . GALLERY_TABLE . ' WHERE listingid = "' . safehtml($_GET['id']) . '" AND userid = "' . safehtml($_GET['userid']) . '" ORDER BY positie ASC';
$r_gallery = $db->query( $sql ) or error ('Critical Error', mysql_error ());
echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0" id="tablegallery">';
echo '<tr><td><input type="checkbox" name="checkall" onclick="check_all(this)"> SELECT ALL</td></tr>';
$i = 0;
while ($f_gallery = $db->fetcharray($r_gallery))
// Set background color
$bgcolor = ''; // Background color for all odd listings
$bgcolor2 = $conf['list_background_color_even']; // Background color for all even listings
if ( $i%2 == 0 )
$color = $bgcolor;
$color = $bgcolor2;
echo '<tr id="' . $f_gallery['id'] . '">';
if($f['status'] >= '2' ){ echo '<td width="10%" align="middle" bgcolor="' . $color . '"><input type="checkbox" checked="yes" name="id[]" value="' . $f_gallery['id'] . '"></td>'; }
else {echo '<td width="10%" align="middle" bgcolor="' . $color . '"><input type="checkbox" name="id[]" value="' . $f_gallery['id'] . '"></td>';}
echo '<td width="30%" align="middle" bgcolor="' . $color . '">' . show_gallery_image ('gallery', $f_gallery['id']) . '</td>
<td width="60%" align="left" valign="top" bgcolor="' . $color . '">' . $f_gallery['title'] . '<p></p><i>' . $f_gallery['description'] . '</i></td>
echo ' </table>';
echo table_footer();
echo '
<script type="text/javascript">
function confirmPost()
var agree=confirm("Are you sure you want to delete?");
if (agree)
return true ;
return false ;
echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function check_all(iam)
var node_list = document.getElementsByTagName("input");
for (var i = 0; i < node_list.length; i++)
var node = node_list[i];
if (node.getAttribute("type") == "checkbox")
if (iam.checked == 1)
node.checked = 1;
node.checked = 0;
echo table_header ( $lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit'] );
// Define the form variables if the form was not updated
if (!isset($form) || (isset($count_error) && $count_error == '0'))
$form = array();
$form['title'] = '';
$form['description'] = '';
// If image was uploaded
if (isset($uploaded) && $uploaded)
echo '<p align="center"><span class="warning">' . $lang['Listing_Image_Uploaded'] . '</span></p>';
// If image was not uploaded because of the image
// size problems etc.
if (isset($uploaded) && !$uploaded)
echo '<p align="center"><span class="warning">' . $lang['Listing_Image_NOT_Uploaded'] . '</span></p>';
// Output the form
echo '<table width="100%" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" border="0">';
echo userform ($lang['Listing_Image_File'], '<input type="file" size="40" name="image_file[]" maxlength="50" multiple>', '1');
//echo userform ($lang['Photo_Gallery_Title'], '<input type="text" size="45" name="title" value="' . $form['title'] . '" maxlength="255">', '1');
//echo userform ($lang['Photo_Gallery_Description'], '<textarea wrap="hard" cols="45" rows="4" name="description" onKeyDown="textCounter(this.form.description,this.form.description_counter, ' . $conf['gallery_description_size'] . ');" onKeyUp="textCounter(this.form.description,this.form.description_counter, ' . $conf['gallery_description_size'] . ');">' . $form['description'] . '</textarea>');
//echo userform ('', '<input readonly type="text" name="description_counter" size="5" maxlength="5" value="' . $conf['gallery_description_size'] . '"> ' . $lang['Characters_Left']);
echo userform ('', '<input type="Submit" name="submit_gallery" value="' . $lang['Photo_Gallery_Submit'] . '">');
echo userform ('', '<input type="Submit" name="update_gallery" value="' . $lang['Photo_Gallery_Update'] . '">');
echo userform ('', '<input type="Submit" onClick="return confirmPost()" name="remove_gallery" value="' . $lang['Photo_Gallery_Remove'] . '">');
echo '
echo table_footer ();
echo 'No listing ID and user ID specified.';
error ('Critical Error' , 'Please, login to access this script.');
// Template footer
include ( PATH . '/admin/template/footer.php' );
Upvotes: 0
Views: 280
Reputation: 4475
Upvotes: 2