Reputation: 6645
Is it possible? I trying:
ActiveAdmin.register ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag do
But i'm getting an error:
undefined method `per_page_kaminari' for ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag(id: integer, name: string, info: text):Class`
Upvotes: 1
Views: 1703
Reputation: 11421
try it with:
ActiveAdmin.register ActsAsTaggableOn::Tag.class_eval do
in admin/tags.rb
, also if you have will_paginate in your Gemfile you'll need this
#fix for active_admin
Kaminari.configure do |config|
config.page_method_name = :per_page_kaminari
put it in config/initializers/kaminari.rb
, name of the file doesn't matter. Restart app.
Edit - another idea:
acts_as_tagable creates a table tags,
so you just create a model tag.rb
in app/models
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
and in app/admin/tags.rb:
ActiveAdmin.register Tag do
I have used it this way and it works, can't show you the admin table. :) will post a screenshot soon.
Upvotes: 6