Reputation: 30003
Do you know any free component, compatible with Delphi 2010 or XE to manage ZIP archives (actually, only reading archive contents and extracting files required)?
Please no betas.
I thought about ZipForge from ComponentAce, but it's free only for personal use. No software distribution allowed.
Upvotes: 8
Views: 17053
Reputation: 43043
Take a look at this OpenSource SynZip unit. It's even faster for decompression than the default unit shipped with Delphi, and it will generate a smaller exe (crc tables are created at startup).
No external dll is needed.
I just made some changes to handle Unicode file names inside Zip content, not only Win-Ansi charset but any Unicode chars. Feedback is welcome.
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 5111
If you only need decoding (developed for Delphi 2007, not yet tested under Delphi 2010/XE):
unit UnitZip;
SysUtils, Classes;
EZipException = class( Exception );
TZipFileInfo = record
LastModified: TDateTime;
Crc32: Longword;
CompressedSize: Longword;
UncompressedSize: Longword;
TZipFileReader = class
// Information about the memory mapped file
FFileHandle: THandle;
FFileMapping: THandle;
FMappedAddress: Pointer;
// Location of the ZIPfile in memory. Currently we only support memory mapped ZIPfiles without disk spanning.
FStart: Pointer;
FSize: Longword;
// ZIP file contents
FFilenames: TStrings;
function GetZipFileInfo ( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
constructor Create ( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64 = 0; Size: Longword = 0 ); overload;
constructor Create ( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE = 0 ); overload;
constructor Create ( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword ); overload;
destructor Destroy; override;
function GetFile ( const FileName: string ): TBytes; overload;
function GetFile ( FileID: Integer ): TBytes; overload;
property FileNames: TStrings read FFileNames;
property FileInfo [ const FileName: AnsiString ]: TZipFileInfo read GetZipFileInfo;
ZLib, Windows;
cResourceNotFound = 'Resource not found: %s.%s.';
cResourceNotLoaded = 'Resource not loaded: %s.%s.';
cCannotOpenFile = 'Cannot open file %s: OS error: %d.';
cCannotGetFileSize = 'Cannot get file size of file %s: OS error: %d.';
cCannotMapFile = 'Cannot create file mapping of file %s: OS error: %d.';
cZipFileTooSmall = 'ZIP file is too small.';
cZipFileFormatError = 'ZIP file is invalid.';
cZipBufferInvalid = 'ZIP memory buffer is invalid.';
cUnsupportedMethod = 'ZIP unsupported compression method: %d.';
cFileNotFoundInZip = 'File not found in ZIP content: %s';
// ZIP file format records.
// The generic zip file format is ( TLocalFileHeader; Name; Extra; compressed data )* ( TFileHeader; Name; Extra; Remark )* TLastHeader
TFileInfo = packed record
NeededVersion: Word; // 20
Flags: Word; // 1=Text,4=extra present
ZipMethod: Word; // 0=stored 8=deflate
LastModified: Longword; // time in dos format or Unix Timestamp
Crc32: Longword;
CompressedSize: Longword;
UncompressedSize: Longword;
NameSize: Word;
ExtraSize: Word;
TFileHeader = packed record
Signature: Longword; // $02014b50 PK#1#2
MadeBy: Word; // Version number, 20
FileInfo: TFileInfo;
CommentSize: Word; // 0
FirstDiskNumber: Word; // 0
IntFileAttr: Word; // 0 = binary; 1 = text
ExtFileAttr: Longword; // DOS file attributes (Archived=32)
LocalFileHeaderHeadOff: Longword; // @TLocalFileHeader
PFileHeader = ^TFileHeader;
TLocalFileHeader = packed record
Signature: Longword; // $02014b50 PK#3#4
FileInfo: TFileInfo;
PLocalFileHeader = ^TLocalFileHeader;
TLastHeader = packed record
Signature: Longword; // $02014b50 PK#5#6
ThisDiskNumber: Word;
CentralDirDisk: Word;
ThisDiskFileCount: Word;
TotalFileCount: Word;
FileHeaderSize: Longword;
FileHeaderOffset: Longword;
CommentSize: Word;
PLastHeader = ^TLastHeader;
MagicLastHeader = $06054b50;
MagicLocalHeader = $04034b50;
MagicFileHeader = $02014b50;
IntPtr = Longword; // NativeInt on Delphi2007 is an Int64 ??
{$if CompilerVersion < 19}
procedure SetAnsiString( var S: AnsiString; P: PAnsiChar; L: Integer ); inline;
SetString( S, P, L );
{ TZipFileReader }
constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const FileName: string; ZipStartOffset: Int64; Size: Longword );
// Open the file in question.
FFileHandle := CreateFile( PChar( FileName ), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 );
if FFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotOpenFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
if Size = 0 then Size := GetFileSize( FFileHandle, nil );
if Size = INVALID_FILE_SIZE then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotGetFileSize, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
// Create a file mapping of the file in question
FFileMapping := CreateFileMapping( FFileHandle, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil);
if FFileMapping = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
// Get the file mapped in memory (NOTE: The offset needs to be on the memory allocation granularity of the system)
// Hence we assign it it's own pointer -> todo rounding etc.
FMappedAddress := MapViewOfFile( FFileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Hi, Int64Rec( ZipStartOffset ).Lo, Size );
if not Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then EZipException.CreateFmt( cCannotMapFile, [ Filename, GetLastError() ] );
Create( FMappedAddress, Size );
CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
FFileMapping := 0;
CloseHandle( FFileHandle );
FFileHandle := 0;
constructor TZipFileReader.Create( const ResourceName, ResourceType: string; Instance: HMODULE );
Resource: HRSRC;
Global: HGLOBAL;
Resource := FindResource( Instance, PChar( ResourceName ), PChar( ResourceType ) );
if Resource = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotFound, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
Global := LoadResource( Instance, Resource );
if Global = 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cResourceNotLoaded, [ ResourceName, ResourceType ] );
Create( LockResource( Global ), SizeofResource( HInstance, Resource ) );
// Note: kb57808: SizeofResource() returns the resource size rounded up to the alignment size.
constructor TZipFileReader.Create( Buffer: Pointer; Size: Longword );
LastHeader: PLastHeader;
FileHeader: PFileHeader;
i, Off: Longword;
Name: AnsiString;
// Note the location.
FStart := Buffer;
FSize := Size;
// Some sanity checks.
if FSize < sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + sizeof( TFileHeader ) + sizeof( TLastHeader ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileTooSmall );
if IsBadReadPtr( Buffer, Size ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipBufferInvalid );
if PLongword( Buffer )^ <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
// Find the last header. Due to the alignment of SizeofResource, we need o search for it.
LastHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Size - sizeof( TLastHeader ) );
for i := 0 to 31 do begin
if LastHeader^.Signature = MagicLastHeader then Break;
Dec( IntPtr( LastHeader ) );
if LastHeader^.Signature <> MagicLastHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
FFilenames := TStringList.Create();
Off := LastHeader^.FileHeaderOffset;
for i := 0 to LastHeader^.TotalFileCount - 1 do begin
// Get header
if Off + sizeof( TFileHeader ) >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
FileHeader := Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off );
Inc( Off, sizeof( TFileHeader ) );
if FileHeader^.Signature <> MagicFileHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
// Get filename
if Off + FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize >= Size then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
SetAnsiString( Name, Pointer( IntPtr( Buffer ) + Off ), FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize );
Inc( Off, FileHeader^.FileInfo.NameSize + FileHeader^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
// Save filename and offset into ZIPfile where it can be found.
FFileNames.AddObject( Name, Pointer( FileHeader^.LocalFileHeaderHeadOff ) );
// For quick access.
TStringList( FFilenames ).Sorted := True;
destructor TZipFileReader.Destroy;
if Assigned( FMappedAddress ) then UnmapViewOfFile( FMappedAddress );
if FFileMapping <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileMapping );
if FFileHandle <> 0 then CloseHandle( FFileHandle );
inherited Destroy;
function TZipFileReader.GetFile( const FileName: string ): TBytes;
ID: Integer;
// Convert filename in FileID and access by ID.
ID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
if ID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );
Result := GetFile( ID );
function TZipFileReader.GetFile( FileID: Integer ): TBytes;
Off: Longword;
Local: PLocalFileHeader;
ZRec: TZStreamRec;
ZLibHeader: array [ 0..1 ] of Byte = ( $78, $01 ); // Deflate 32KB window size no preset dictionary.
// Sanity check
if ( FileID < 0 ) or ( FileID >= FFilenames.Count ) then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( 'Invalid File ID: %d', [ FileID ] );
// Get the file header and perform sanity check
Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
// note: should we check the name again?
SetLength( Result, Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
if Length( Result ) > 0 then case Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod of
0: begin // STORED
if Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize <> Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
Move( Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off )^, Result[ 0 ], Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize );
8: begin // DEFLATE
ZeroMemory( @ZRec, sizeof( ZRec ) );
ZRec.next_in := @ZLibHeader;
ZRec.avail_in := sizeof( ZLibHeader );
ZRec.total_in := sizeof( ZLibHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
ZRec.next_out := @Result[ 0 ];
ZRec.avail_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
ZRec.total_out := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
ZRec.zalloc := zlibAllocMem;
ZRec.zfree := zlibFreeMem;
if inflateInit_( ZRec, zlib_Version, sizeof( ZRec ) ) <> 0 then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FULL_FLUSH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
ZRec.next_in := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
ZRec.avail_in := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
if not( inflate( ZRec, Z_FINISH ) in [ Z_OK, Z_STREAM_END ] ) then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
inflateEnd( ZRec );
else raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cUnsupportedMethod, [ Local^.FileInfo.ZipMethod ] );
// todo: CRC32 sanity check if requested.
function TZipFileReader.GetZipFileInfo( const FileName: AnsiString ): TZipFileInfo;
FileID: Integer;
Off: Longword;
Local: PLocalFileHeader;
// Get the correct file ID
FileID := FFilenames.IndexOf( FileName );
if FileID < 0 then raise EZipException.CreateFmt( cFileNotFoundInZip, [ FileName ] );
// Get the file header and perform sanity check
Off := Longword( FFilenames.Objects[ FileID ] );
if Off + sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
Local := Pointer( IntPtr( FStart ) + Off );
if Local^.Signature <> MagicLocalHeader then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
Inc( Off, sizeof( TLocalFileHeader ) + Local^.FileInfo.NameSize + Local^.FileInfo.ExtraSize );
if Off + Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize >= FSize then raise EZipException.Create( cZipFileFormatError );
// Return requested data.
Result.LastModified := Local^.FileInfo.LastModified;
Result.Crc32 := Local^.FileInfo.Crc32;
Result.CompressedSize := Local^.FileInfo.CompressedSize;
Result.UncompressedSize := Local^.FileInfo.UncompressedSize;
Upvotes: 3
Reputation: 1336
You can get the TurboPower Abbrevia for 2010 from:
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 537
If distributing an ActiveX DLL with your project is not a problem for you, then Chilkat Zip ( seems to do the trick. Delphi examples are here:
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 192587
DotNetZip is a managed code (.NET) library, that exposes a COM interface.
Open source
MS-PL licensed.
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 13485
I like the WinZip compatible TZipMaster for Delphi, available here:
TZipMaster is a non-visual VCL wrapper created by ChrisVleghert and EricW.Engler for their freeware Zip and Unzip DLLs.
Those DLLs are based on the InfoZip Official Freeware Zip/Unzip source code, but are NOT equivalent to InfoZip's DLLs. The InfoZip source code has been modified to enhance their ease-of-use, power, and flexibility for use with Delphi and C++ Builder.
Also, this question has been covered before on Stack Overflow, which may yield some other solutions for you.
Upvotes: 1