Reputation: 4679
I'm using ng-boilerplate and have to add the possibility to use different templates in production, based on the user configuration.
.config(function config( $stateProvider ) {
$stateProvider.state( 'demo', {
url: '/demo',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'DemoCtrl',
templateUrl: 'demo/demo.tpl.html'
My current idea is to make the templateUrl dynamic
templateUrl: 'demo/demo'+userService.getTemplate()+'.tpl.html'
and having multiple template files, like:
while the userService function does provide the template version to use, e.g. ".b"
Do you agree? Is there maybe a better/easier approach to this problem?
Upvotes: 13
Views: 5683
Reputation: 2316
I've a different way based on the same principle
Except you don't have to actually request the view yourself with $http.
So you can let ui-router handle that part.
Which is easier when you have a complex view architecture.
.state('public.index', {
url: '/',
views: {
"": {
template: '<div ui-view="abTestDummyView"></div>',
controller: ['landing', '$http', function(landing, $http) {
alert('Showing AB Test Landing #' + landing);
// increment landing stats
$http.get('', {landing: landing});
controllerAs: 'landingCtrl',
"[email protected]": {
templateProvider: ['landing', function(landing) {
// inject a view based on its name
return "<div ui-view=\"ab" + landing + "\"></div>";
"[email protected]": {
template: "INJECTED AB1"
// replace by templateUrl: "/real path/"
"[email protected]": {
template: "INJECTED AB2"
// replace by templateUrl: "/real path/"
resolve: {
landing: function() {
return Math.floor((Math.random() * 2) + 1);
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Reputation: 8222
I will not keep it in service, because service will be a part of js file. Which will be static (under normal condition)
This is how I will do it, In html
file I will put
window.abConfig = "defaultVersion";
In app.js I will put
.config(function config( $stateProvider ) {
$stateProvider.state( 'demo', {
url: '/demo',
views: {
"main": {
controller: 'DemoCtrl',
templateUrl: function() {
return 'demo/demo' + window.abConfig + '.tpl.html';
Its kind of Hacky way, but it gives me flexibility to decide which version to display to user at server level. I might require to write logic before user download the content based on user's previous activity, which I can not do from client side javascript.
Upvotes: 2
Reputation: 292
This can be achieved using standard angular, you just have to look at it from another angle!
I would suggest using the $templateCache. When you load the app you can pre-populate the $template cache with the selected version of the user templates.
You can do something like
$templateCache.put("page-header.html", '<h1>MyAwesomeStartup</h1><h2>Buy now!?!?!</h2>');
Also if your not opposed to the idea, you can place the templates into the page using the script tag syntax, where the id == the templateURL you use in your $routeProvider.
<script type="text/ng-template" id="page-header.html">
<h1>MyAwesomeStartup</h1><h2>Buy now!?!?!</h2>
And ng will load it directly from the script tag.
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 19922
AngularJS standard $routeProvider
can accept function for templateUrl. But you can't inject services into this function.
has templateProvider
parameter into which you can inject what you want and you should return something like this for remote template case:
$stateProvider.state('demo', {
templateProvider: function ($http, $templateCache, $stateParams, userService) {
var url = 'demo/demo' + userService.getTemplate() + '.tpl.html';
return $http.get(url, { cache: $templateCache }).then(function (response) {
Upvotes: 11