Reputation: 1653
I am trying to add a fixed title to an interactive 3d plot using the rgl package from R, but so far I haven't been able to do it. I also would like to have one main title and a subtitle under the main title.
Here is a sample code,
data<-read.table(text=" X Y Z
1 147.0883 -18.69122 -13.90000
2 147.0894 -18.69455 -10.97250
3 147.0883 -18.69122 -17.45000
4 147.0883 -18.69122 -15.44000
5 147.0883 -18.69122 -13.45000
6 147.0909 -18.69922 -12.25000
7 147.0883 -18.69122 -17.30000
8 147.0883 -18.69122 -16.40000
9 147.0883 -18.69122 -14.30000
10 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.50000
11 147.0883 -18.69122 -15.67606
12 147.0883 -18.69122 -17.25780
13 147.0883 -18.69122 -3.64000
14 147.1164 -18.68133 -22.13000
15 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.54778
16 147.0883 -18.69122 -15.50000
17 147.1185 -18.68691 -14.55500
18 147.0883 -18.69122 -18.12500
19 147.0901 -18.69670 -14.39767",header=T)
# call the plug-in bandwidth estimator
H.pi<-Hpi(a,binned=TRUE)*3 ## a is a matrix of x,y,z points
# calculate the kernel densities
# produce a 3D plot
title<-"Individual 1 (male)" # main title
title2<-"Site A" # subtitle
xlab="",ylab="", zlab="",size=1.5,ptcol="black",
mtext3d("Depth (m)",edge="z-+",line=3,las=2,cex=1.1)
I haven't found a good way of having a fixed title (and subtitle) so that when I export my plot as a 3D movie, the main title is not rotating with the plot...
movie3d(spin3d(axis=c(0,0,1), rpm=4),dir="~/Dropbox/R/Sample plots", duration=15, fps=10, movie="Plot 1")
If you have a good/easy way of putting the main title in a fixed location (and possibly adding a secondary title under) that will be great. Thanks in advance,
Upvotes: 10
Views: 6212
Reputation: 41
To reproduce your script kde is missing (a library not included) ... in any case Did you consider using:adding after the movie:
text3d(x=0.08, y=0.97, z=0.03, title.main ,col="Blue")
where: x,y,z are locations in your graphic. I have use this together with scatter3d (using also using rgl).
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 6277
Putting a title in a RGL plot is now possible, thanks to an update dating from last year.
The idea is to use the new function bgplot3d
which outputs to the background of the RGL window, as if it was a normal plot.
For example:
# A minimal plot3d example
a = matrix(runif(3000), ncol=3)
plot3d(a, col = rainbow(100)[cut(a[,1], breaks = seq(0,1,le=101), include.lowest = T)])
title(main = 'This is the main title', line = 3)
mtext(side = 1, 'This is a subtitle', line = 4)
# use here any other way you fancy to write your title
Which gives:
There is one pretty important caveat though, stated as a note in the help page for bgplot3d
Because the background plots are drawn as bitmaps, they do not resize very gracefully. It's best to size your window first, then draw the background at that size.
Upvotes: 16
Reputation: 139
Similar to the suggestion about test, you can add a legend that stays stationary and use it as your title. See example below from Adding a legend to an rgl 3d plot
legend3d("topright", legend = paste('Type', c('A', 'B', 'C')), pch = 16, col = rainbow(3), cex=1, inset=c(0.02))
Upvotes: 1