Reputation: 321
I have 2 type of expressions that I want parse and calculate the results.
Artimetic expressions: +,-,*,/ and sqrt() function; Ex: "2 + 3 * sqrt(100*25)" -> should be calculated as 152
Functions: GetSubString() and ConcatenateStrings() Ex: "GetSubString('100str1', 0, 3)" -> should be calculated as 100
I have 2 seperate grammars to parse these expression types. Now I want to combine these 2 grammars and make it possible to define these expressions together.
I have tried to combine 2 grammars as below by using permutation operator. But it doesnt compile.
expr_ =
( *( (function_call_ ^ arithmeticexpression_)| string_ ));
So is this a right way to combine my function_call_ and arithmeticexpression_ rules or how should I do this?
typedef boost::variant<int, float, double, std::wstring> RetValue;
RetValue CTranslationFunctions::GetSubString(RetValue const& str, RetValue position, RetValue len)
std::wstring strToCut;
size_t posInt = 0;
size_t lenInt = 0;
strToCut = boost::get<std::wstring>(str);
posInt = boost::get<int>(position);
lenInt = boost::get<int>(len);
catch (const boost::bad_get&)
return strToCut.substr(posInt, lenInt);
RetValue CTranslationFunctions::ConcatenateStrings(RetValue const& a, RetValue const& b)
wostringstream woss;
woss << a << b;
return woss.str();
double CTranslationFunctions::Negate(double num)
return -num;
double CTranslationFunctions::Add(double num1 , const double num2)
return num1 + num2;
double CTranslationFunctions::Subtruct(double num1 , double num2)
return num1 - num2;
double CTranslationFunctions::Multiply(double num1 , double num2)
return num1 * num2;
double CTranslationFunctions::Divide(double num1 , double num2)
return num1 / num2;
double CTranslationFunctions::Sqrt(double num)
return sqrt(num);
class InvalidParamEx{};
double CTranslationFunctions::ConvertStringToDouble(RetValue val)
wostringstream wss;
double dNum;
wss << val;
std::wistringstream iss;
iss >> dNum;
catch (...)
throw InvalidParamEx();
return dNum;
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(RetValue, ConcatenateStrings_, ConcatenateStrings, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(RetValue, GetContainerId_, GetContainerId, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, Subtruct_, Subtruct, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, Multiply_, Multiply, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, Divide_, Divide, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, Negate_, Negate, 1)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(double, ConvertStringToDouble_, ConvertStringToDouble, 1)
// Grammar to parse map functions
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type >
struct MapFunctionParser : qi::grammar<It, RetValue(), Skipper, qi::locals<char> >
MapFunctionParser() : MapFunctionParser::base_type(expr_)
using namespace qi;
function_call_ =
| (lit(L"GetSubString") > '(' > expr_ > ',' > expr_ > ',' > expr_ > ')')
[ _val = GetSubString_(_1, _2, _3) ]
| (lit(L"ConcatenateStrings") > '(' > expr_ > lit(',') > expr_ > ')')
[ _val = ConcatenateStrings_(_1, _2) ];
string_ = as_wstring[omit [ char_("'\"") [_a =_1] ]
>> no_skip [ *(char_ - char_(_a)) ]
>> lit(_a)];
arithmeticexpression_ =
term_ [_val = _1]
>> *( ('+' >> term_ [_val = Add_(_val,_1)])
| ('-' >> term_ [_val = Subtruct_(_val, _1)])
term_ =
factor_ [_val = _1]
>> *( ('*' >> factor_ [_val = Multiply_(_val, _1)])
| ('/' >> factor_ [_val = Divide_(_val, _1)])
factor_ =
double_ [_val = _1]
string_ [_val = ConvertStringToDouble(_1)]
| ('-' >> factor_ [_val = Negate_(_1)])
| ('+' >> factor_ [_val = _1])
| (L"Sqrt" > '(' > double_ > ')' ) [_val = Sqrt_(_1)]);
expr_ =
( *( (function_call_ ^ arithmeticexpression_)| string_ ));
on_error<fail> ( expr_, std::cout
<< phx::val("Error! Expecting ") << _4 << phx::val(" here: \"")
<< phx::construct<std::string>(_3, _2) << phx::val("\"\n"));
qi::rule<It, RetValue(), Skipper, qi::locals<char> > function_call_, expr_, funcparameter_;
qi::rule<It, wstring(), Skipper, qi::locals<char> > string_;
qi::rule<It, double(), Skipper> arithmeticexpression_, factor_, term_;
Upvotes: 3
Views: 419
Reputation: 393114
Edit Moved my early response to the bottom
That took a while. Mostly it was because the code shown has strange problems:
and factor_
and GetSubstring
was never Phoenix-adaptedCTranslationFunctions
didn't exist, and member functions were being declaredSo what I basically ended up doing was a re-write. Yeah I know. I'm crazy. Nevertheless, let me walk you through it, explaining some of the things I changed and why.
#include <boost/spirit/include/qi.hpp>
#include <boost/spirit/include/phoenix.hpp>
#include <boost/phoenix/function/adapt_function.hpp>
#include <boost/lexical_cast.hpp>
namespace qi = boost::spirit::qi;
namespace phx = boost::phoenix;
typedef boost::variant<int, double> NumValue;
typedef boost::variant<int, double, std::wstring> GenericValue;
Right away, I split the concept of numeric and generic values. This is because the distinction is important to certain expressions (mainly the arithmetic expressions). I could have still used GenericValue
everywhere, but we'll see later how NumValue
makes handling the arithmetic evaluations simpler.
struct InvalidParamEx : public virtual std::exception
const char* what() const noexcept { return "Invalid type of operand/parameter"; }
There's your exception type, showing some good practices. We throw it when a numeric value was expected, but the GenericValue
contained something incompatible. How? Let's see:
struct AsNumValue : boost::static_visitor<NumValue>
int operator()(int i) const { return i; }
double operator()(double d) const { return d; }
NumValue operator()(std::wstring const& s) const
try { return boost::lexical_cast<int>(s); } catch(...) {}
try { return boost::lexical_cast<double>(s); } catch(...) {}
throw InvalidParamEx();
class CTranslationFunctions
// helper
NumValue static num(GenericValue const& v) { return boost::apply_visitor(AsNumValue(), v); }
There. I defined the missing class for you, and right away added the helper that converts GenericValue → NumValue
. As you can see, I used boost::lexical_cast
because there is no use in reinventing the wheel. Note that your earlier approach with ConvertStringToDouble
had several big problems:
value, whereas your functions may require int
as the value 100
without warningterm
would be converted to double, even if it really was a string. (Why this was relevant, will become clear when you see the modified expr_
and term_
rules.)Let's move on:
static GenericValue GetSubString(GenericValue const& str, GenericValue position, GenericValue len);
static GenericValue ConcatenateStrings(GenericValue const& a, GenericValue const& b);
Yup, we'll define them later. Now, brace yourself for the arithmetic operation functions:
#define DEFUNOP(name, expr) private: struct do_##name : boost::static_visitor<NumValue> { \
template <typename T1> NumValue operator()(T1 const& a) const { return expr; } \
}; \
public: static NumValue name(GenericValue const& a) { auto na=num(a); return boost::apply_visitor(do_##name(), na); }
#define DEFBINOP(name, infix) struct do_##name : boost::static_visitor<NumValue> { \
template <typename T1, typename T2> NumValue operator()(T1 const&a, T2 const&b) const\
{ return a infix b; } \
}; \
public: static NumValue name(GenericValue const& a, GenericValue const& b) { auto na=num(a), nb=num(b); return boost::apply_visitor(do_##name(), na, nb); }
// define the operators polymorphically, so `int` + `double` becomes `double`, but `int` * `int` stays `int`
DEFBINOP(Add , +);
DEFBINOP(Subtruct, -);
DEFBINOP(Multiply, *);
DEFBINOP(Divide , /);
DEFUNOP (Negate , -a);
DEFUNOP (Sqrt , sqrt(a));
Whoaaaaah What happened there? Well, the comment says it all:
vs. double
etc. This is known as polymorphic evaluation. Example: GetSubString('100str1', 0, 2+1)
could never work, because 2+1
needs to evaluate to an int(3)
, but your double Add(double,double)
always produced a double
detect the resultant types in mixed casesNumValue
has merit above GenericValue
: because NumValue
can only be int
or double
, we know that the generic operator()
implementation covers all legal combinations.asNumeric
before calling the function object.This thorughly solves your arithmetic operations, and has another bonus: it removes the 'need' for ConvertStringToDouble
, since you get conversion to NumValue
when it's needed, namely on evaluation of arithmetic operations. This is an important thing, down the road when we fix your grammar to support your desired input expressions.
GenericValue CTranslationFunctions::GetSubString(GenericValue const& str, GenericValue position, GenericValue len)
using boost::get;
return get<std::wstring>(str).substr(get<int>(position), get<int>(len));
Yeah, I shortened it a bit.
GenericValue CTranslationFunctions::ConcatenateStrings(GenericValue const& a, GenericValue const& b)
std::wostringstream woss;
woss << a << b;
return woss.str();
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(GenericValue, ConcatenateStrings_, CTranslationFunctions::ConcatenateStrings, 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(GenericValue, GetSubString_ , CTranslationFunctions::GetSubString , 3)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Add_ , CTranslationFunctions::Add , 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Subtruct_ , CTranslationFunctions::Subtruct , 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Multiply_ , CTranslationFunctions::Multiply , 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Divide_ , CTranslationFunctions::Divide , 2)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Negate_ , CTranslationFunctions::Negate , 1)
BOOST_PHOENIX_ADAPT_FUNCTION(NumValue , Sqrt_ , CTranslationFunctions::Sqrt , 1)
Yawn. We know how to adapt functions for Phoenix, already; let's get to the grammar definition!
// Grammar to parse map functions
template <typename It, typename Skipper = qi::space_type >
struct MapFunctionParser : qi::grammar<It, GenericValue(), Skipper>
MapFunctionParser() : MapFunctionParser::base_type(expr_)
using namespace qi;
function_call_ =
(no_case["GetSubString"] > '(' > expr_ > ',' > expr_ > ',' > expr_ > ')') [ _val = GetSubString_(_1, _2, _3) ]
| (no_case["ConcatenateStrings"] > '(' > expr_ > ',' > expr_ > ')') [ _val = ConcatenateStrings_(_1, _2) ]
| (no_case["Sqrt"] > '(' > expr_ > ')') [ _val = Sqrt_(_1) ]
string_ = // keep it simple, silly (KISS)
(L'"' > *~char_('"') > L'"')
| (L"'" > *~char_("'") > L"'");
arithmeticexpression_ =
term_ [ _val = _1 ]
>> *( ('+' >> term_ [ _val = Add_(_val,_1) ])
| ('-' >> term_ [ _val = Subtruct_(_val, _1) ])
term_ =
factor_ [ _val = _1 ]
>> *( ('*' >> factor_ [ _val = Multiply_(_val, _1) ])
| ('/' >> factor_ [ _val = Divide_(_val, _1) ])
factor_ =
int_ [ _val = _1 ]
| double_ [ _val = _1 ]
| string_ [ _val = _1 ]
| ('-' >> factor_) [ _val = Negate_(_1) ]
| ('+' >> factor_) [ _val = _1 ]
| function_call_ [ _val = _1 ]
expr_ = arithmeticexpression_;
on_error<fail> ( expr_, std::cout
<< phx::val("Error! Expecting ") << _4 << phx::val(" here: \"")
<< phx::construct<std::string>(_3, _2) << phx::val("\"\n"));
BOOST_SPIRIT_DEBUG_NODES((function_call_) (expr_) (string_) (funcparameter_) (arithmeticexpression_) (factor_) (term_))
qi::rule<It, std::wstring()>
string_; // NO SKIPPER (review)
qi::rule<It, GenericValue(), Skipper>
function_call_, expr_, funcparameter_, // NO LOCALS (review)
arithmeticexpression_, term_, factor_;
Well. What have we here. What changed?
which was only ever used in the string_
rule anyways, and I rewrote that to honour the KISS principle" oops "
identical to "oops"
). I did so by removing the Skipper from the string_
declaration. This has the same effect as enclosing the whole rule in qi::lexeme[]
to the function_call_
rule, because, well, it's a function call.no_case[]
case insensitive, since your examples suggested that sqrt(9)
should workNote that Sqrt
now takes any expression whereas the old situation had
| (L"Sqrt" > '(' > double_ > ')') // Wait, whaaat?
Yeah, this was never going to parse your second example, really :|
Now the real meat of the operation comes. In order to let sqrt(GetSubstring(....))
parse, we'll have to let function_call_
be a possible value for a term_
. Once that's the case, we don't have to anything more in expr_
since expr_
might consist of a single factor_
containing a single term_
representing a function_call_
already, so
expr_ = ( *( (function_call_ ^ arithmeticexpression_)| string_ ));
evaporates into
expr_ = arithmeticexpression_;
What happened to string_
there? Well, it's still in term_
, where it was, but the ConvertStringToDouble
was removed there. Strings will just happily be strings, unless they are required in the context of an arithmetic operation that requires NumValue
s. That's when they will be coerced into a number, and no earlier (as shown above).
int main()
static const MapFunctionParser<std::wstring::const_iterator> p;
std::wstring input;
while (std::getline(std::wcin, input))
std::wstring::const_iterator f(begin(input)), l(end(input));
GenericValue value;
assert(qi::phrase_parse(f, l, p, qi::space, value));
if (f!=l)
std::wcout << L"remaining unparsed: '" << std::wstring(f,l) << L"'\n";
std::wcout << input << " --> " << value << std::endl;
When I fed this little test program the two lines from your question, it dutifully churned out the following text:
GetSubString('100str1', 0, 2+1) + sqrt(9) --> 103
2 + 3 * sqrt(GetSubString('100str1', 0, 2+1)) --> 32
You can see the full code on Coliru (sadly, it takes too long to compile).
Originally this answer started with the following:
Q. I have tried to combine 2 grammars as below by using permutation operator. But it doesnt compile
What did you expect the permutation operator to do? The documentation states:
The permutation operator, a ^ b, matches one or more operands (a, b, ... etc.) in any order
As you can see it would result in an attribute
fusion::vector2<optional<RetValue>, optional<double>>,
which clearly is not compatible. Now, I assume you just want either/or semantics, so
expr_ = string_ | function_call_ | arithmeticexpression_;
should do nicely, resulting in boost::variant<RetValue, double, std::wstring>
which is assignable to a RetValue
Now after jumping through a dozen hoops to make your sample code compile (why...) here's a fix:
Upvotes: 6