Reputation: 95
Fairly new to the game and have spent many hours looking for help and examples. I've had a version of this working, although I want to streamline the process by having a single input file 'computer_listc.txt'. I basically want to read in a series of folders paths (from computer_listc.txt), and use parts of the path to write further cmd expressions.
My problem is that fname and comp_id are not being set properly. I want to make them equal to T (the filename), and then edit them.
fname needs to be the filepath with the first 12 characters removed. While comp_id needs to equal the computername specified in the filepath e.g.
fname = c_modelling\model\slave1
comp_id = VOSTRO460-1
Heres the script. Can you see my error??
for /f "usebackq tokens=*" %%T in ("C:\c_modelling\Model\cal21_cal\Computer_ListC.TXT") do (
set fname = %%T
ren fname "%fname%" "C:\%fname%:~12%"
set comp_id = %%T
%comp_id% = %{comp_id:0:12}
mkdir %%T > NUL 2>&1
echo cd %fname% >\\%%T\beo_insC.cmd
echo beo >>\\%%T\beo_insC.cmd
robocopy c:\c_modelling\model\cal21_cal \\%%T\ /s /e
start cmd.exe /c psexec \\%comp_id% -c c:\c_modelling\model\cal21_cal\beo_insC.cmd
del \\%%T\beo_insC.cmd
Computer_ListC.txt contains the following file names: This will eventually have a long list of computer folder paths.
I'm creating a *.cmd file for use with 'psexec', as when I direct the process to a local computer, the path defaults to \system32.
Any assistance would be very helpful!!
Upvotes: 2
Views: 9311
Reputation: 80203
First issue is that SPACES in string SET
statements are significant. The variablename AND the value assigned will both include any spaces, so set fname = %%T
will set a variable named "fname "
, not "fname"
- and its value will contain the leading space before the value of %%T
Next is the perpetual delayed-expansion issue. Within a block
(a sequence of parenthesised statements) any %var%
will be replaced by its value at PARSE time - before execution of the loop begins.
To access the RUN-TIME value, you need to execute a SETLOCAL ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION
statement, and while delayedexpansion
is invoked, !var!
accesses the RUN-time variable value.
Note however that you cannot simply invoke delayedexpansion
within a loop with impunity. There is a limit to the number you can have open at any one time, so you need to 'close the bracket' with an ENDLOCAL
command (reaching logical End-Of-File is equivalent to an ENDLOCAL
) and the downside is that ENDLOCAL
restores the environment to its value when the matching SETLOCAL
is normally executed at the start of the batch, usually after the @echo off
Next issue is
ren fname "%fname%" "C:\%fname%:~12%"
The rename command's syntax is ren sourcename newname
- exactly two arguments, enclose any argument containing spaces in "rabbit's ears"
Further, the destination name is a NAME only - not a path.
Then there's this:
%comp_id% = %{comp_id:0:12}
Assuming you've fixed this to remove the spaces in variablenames and that comp_id
has been assigned the value fred
and you've realised that you are dealing with the RUN-time value of comp_id
then this would now appear as
which Batch would interpret as
and promptly give up.
What you are probably expecting to do is
set comp_id=!comp_id:~0,12!
that is, set comp_id
to the RUN-time value of comp_id, from the first character (0
) for 12
Upvotes: 4