Reputation: 22011
I am using threejs, and have 2 rectangles defined via two sets of THREE.Vector3
's with 4 vertices each.
How do I compute the affine transformation that transforms the first rectangle into the second?
I want to apply the computed affine transformation to a 3rd rectangle via .applyMatrix(matrix)
* Transform a THREE.CSS3DObject object so that it aligns to a given rectangle.
* @param object: A THREE.CSS3DObject object.
* @param v: A list of the 4 vertices of the rectangle (clockwise order) on which to align the object.
function alignObject(object, v) {
// width of DOM object wrapped via CSS3DObject
var width = parseInt(, 10);
// compute rect vectors from rect vertices
var v10 = v[1].clone().sub(v[0]);
var v30 = v[3].clone().sub(v[0]);
// compute (uniform) scaling
var scale = v10.length() / width;
// compute translation / new mid-point
var position = new THREE.Vector3().addVectors(v10, v30).multiplyScalar(0.5).add(v[0]);
// compute rotations
var rotX = -v30.angleTo(new THREE.Vector3(0, -1, 0));
// FIXME: rotY, rotZ
// apply transformation
object.scale.set(scale, scale, scale);
object.position = position;
Upvotes: 4
Views: 6834
Reputation: 1864
I'm looking for the same thing. Found this:
Haven't tried it yet, but the fromTriangles() function looks promising.
Matrix.fromTriangles( t1, t2 ); // returns matrix needed to produce t2 from t1
Edit: oops, thought I posted this as a comment. It became an answer. Oh well..
Upvotes: 5
Reputation: 80117
There is method to calculate affine matrix, for example, 2D-case here: Affine transformation algorithm. But to find unique affine transform in 3D, you need 4 non-coplanar points (the same is true for 2d - 3 non-collinear points). M matrix for 4 coplanar points (your rectangle vertices) is singular, has no inverse matrix, and above mentioned method is not applicable.
Example of ambiguity for 2d case: points B, C, D are collinear. Some affine tranformation moves them into B, E, F points. But there are infinite number of matching affine transformations. Two of them translate A point to G or H points.
Some solution exists for limited class of affine transformation. For example - is your 3rd rectangle always in the XY-plane?
If it is true, then transformed rectangle will lie in the same plane as 2nd rectangle, and your problem becomes simpler - you need to calc coordinates in the changed vector bazis from (V1,V2,V3) to (V1', V2', V3'). Let's vector A = V2-V1, B = V3-V1, A' = V2'-V1', B' = V3'-V1'
. Every point P in XY plane (3rd rectangle vertice, for example) is linear combination P = V1 + t * A + u * B
, and it's transformed image in new plane P' = V1' + t * A' + u * B
'. It is not hard to find t,u coefficients in this case: t=(P.x - V1.x)/(V2.x-V1.x)
u=(P.y - V1.y)/(V2.y-V1.y)
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