Reputation: 23
By this time I am implementing a system that perform matching between 3 tables and I am really need your help by now, suppose I have the following three tables:
Table1: Relation between name and item
User Item
John Doe Apple
John Doe Orange
John Doe Cat
John Doe Dog
John Doe Fish
Anna Sue Apple
Anna Sue Orange
Robinson Banana
Robinson Vessel
Robinson Car
Table2: To categorized the item
Item Type Item
Fruit Apple
Fruit Orange
Fruit Banana
Animal Cat
Animal Dog
Vehicle Vessel
Vehicle Car
Vehicle Truck
Table3: Matching of Item
Match ID Item Type
M001 Fruit
M001 Animal
M002 Fruit
M002 Vehicle
All I want to ask that how I could only show all users that having all criteria that exactly match with the designated match ID
For this case user John Doe that fulfill all criterias of having Item within the Fruit And Animal that relationship designated in the Match ID with the following format:
User Match ID Item Type Item
John Doe M001 Fruit Apple
John Doe M001 Fruit Orange
John Doe M001 Animal Cat
John Doe M001 Animal Dog
Robinson M002 Fruit Banana
Robinson M002 Vehicle Vessel
Robinson M002 Vehicle Car
All solutions are highly appreciated, therefore thank you for your help.
Upvotes: 2
Views: 2431
Reputation: 123
You have a flaw in table3: 2 IDs (assuming itemtype is going to be the foreign key) for 1 data ( fruit ), otherwise the query would be:
select *
from table1
join table2 using (item)
join table3 using (itemtype)
assuming, of course
itemtype is table 2 primary key
itemtype is table 3 foreign key to table 2
item is table 1 foreign key to table 2
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Reputation: 7123
select t1.User,t3.MatchID,t3.ItemType as ItemType,t2.Item as Item
from Table1 t1
inner join Table2 t2 on t1.Item = t2.Item
inner join Table3 t3 on t3.ItemType = t2.ItemType
inner join
(select user,MatchID
(SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(ItemType ORDER BY ItemType) AS typesTomatch , MatchID
FROM Table3 GROUP BY MatchID) abc
inner join
(Select a.User, group_concat(distinct b.ItemType ORDER BY b.ItemType)
as typesofpeople
from Table1 As a
inner join Table2 As b on a.Item = b.Item
group by a.User order by b.ItemType) def
on abc.typesTomatch = def.TYPESOFPEOPLE) xyz
on xyz.User = t1.User and xyz.MatchID = t3.MatchID;
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Reputation: 108410
Here's one way to do it, but this is going to be a light dimming query on large sets.
SQL Fiddle demo here:!2/63cd2/1
SELECT ui.user_name
, tm.match_id
, tm.item_type
, ui.item
FROM (SELECT uu.user_name
, tm.match_id
, COUNT(DISTINCT tm.item_type) AS cnt_item_type
FROM (SELECT u.user_name FROM user_item u GROUP BY u.user_name) uu
JOIN type_match tm
GROUP BY uu.user_name, tm.match_id
) n
JOIN (SELECT hui.user_name
, htm.match_id
, COUNT(DISTINCT htm.item_type) AS cnt_item_type
FROM user_item hui
JOIN item_type hit ON hit.item = hui.item
JOIN type_match htm ON htm.item_type = hit.item_type
GROUP BY hui.user_name, htm.match_id
) h
ON h.cnt_item_type = n.cnt_item_type
AND h.match_id = n.match_id
AND h.user_name = n.user_name
JOIN user_item ui
ON ui.user_name = h.user_name
JOIN item_type it
ON it.item = ui.item
JOIN type_match tm
ON tm.item_type = it.item_type
AND tm.match_id = h.match_id
BY ui.user_name
, tm.match_id
, tm.item_type
, ui.item
The inline view aliased as n
represents what a user needs to have, all the item_type that are required in order to satisfy each match_id.
The inline view aliased as h
represents what user actually has, all of the item_type that user has for each match_id.
We can get a count of the distinct item_type in each of those sets, and compare the counts. If the count is equal, then we know the user has all of the required item_type for that match_id.
Finally, we can join that back to the item a user actually has, so we can display a result.
(Again, this is going to be horrendous light dimmer, although indexes will help some.)
Upvotes: 1
Reputation: 303
Use this, its worked :
select t1.[User],t3.matchid,t3.item_type,t1.item from table3 t3 left join table2 t2 on t3.item_type=t2.Item_type left join table1 t1 on t2.Item=t1.Item where t1.[user]='JohnDoe' and t3.MatchId='m001' group by t1.[user],t1.item,t3.MatchId,t3.Item_Type
Upvotes: 0
Reputation: 2993
try this:
SELECT [User], [Match ID], [Item Type],[Item]
From table1
Inner join table2 on table1.item = table2.item
Inner join table3 on table2.[item type]= table3.[item type]
Where [User] = 'SOME USER NAME' AND table2.[item type] = 'SOME ITEM TYPE' AND table1.Item = 'SOME ITEM'
Upvotes: 0