
Reputation: 17677

Detect paste on NSTextField

I'm trying to handle a paste operation on a NSTextField.

I found a similar article but for NSTextView. I tried code similar to this by overriding NSTextField and putting:

- (BOOL)readSelectionFromPasteboard:(NSPasteboard *)pboard
    return [super readSelectionFromPasteboard: pboard];

But this method seems to never be called.

Any suggestions on how to detect a past on NSTextField?

Upvotes: 7

Views: 3260

Answers (6)

Vicente Garcia
Vicente Garcia

Reputation: 6380

Combining 2 answers found here I was able to find a workaround for me, but it was necessary to subclass NSTextField, NSTextFieldCell and NSTextView.

This solution consists of 3 steps and it is using Swift, but could be adapted to Objective-C.

Swift 5


Subclass NSTextView, this is where the actual paste is intercepted so the content can be replaced.

final class TextView: NSTextView {
    override func paste(_ sender: Any?) {
        var content = NSPasteboard.general.string(forType: .string) ?? ""

        // modify content

        NSPasteboard.general.setString(content, forType: .string)


Subclass NSTextFieldCell and override fieldEditorFor with your own NSTextView. Important to set to true the property isFieldEditor of the NSTextView.

final class TextFieldCell: NSTextFieldCell {
    private let textView = TextView()
    required init(coder: NSCoder) {
        super.init(coder: coder)

    override init(textCell: String) {
        super.init(textCell: textCell)
        textView.isFieldEditor = true
    override func fieldEditor(for: NSView) -> NSTextView? {


Subclass NSTextField and assign to the static property cellClass your own NSTextFieldCell. This last step could be avoided if you simply assign your own NSTextFieldCell to all NSTextField, i.e. NSTextField.cellClass = yourCellClass.

But to avoid unforeseen side effects it is better to subclass it.

– Update

I added init(frame frameRect: NSRect), you can use both inits in your case or just the one you use to initialise your NSTextField subclass.

final class TextField: NSTextField {
    required init?(coder: NSCoder) {

    init() {
        TextField.cellClass = TextFieldCell.self
        super.init(frame: .zero)

    override init(frame frameRect: NSRect) {
        TextField.cellClass = TextFieldCell.self
        super.init(frame: frameRect)

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 19035

  1. Override the becomeFirstResponder method of your NSTextField

  2. Use object_setClass to override the class of the "field editor" (which is the NSTextView that handles text input for all NSTextField instances; see here)

#import <AppKit/AppKit.h>
#import <objc/runtime.h>

@interface MyTextField : NSTextField

@implementation MyTextField

- (BOOL)becomeFirstResponder
  if ([super becomeFirstResponder]) {
    object_setClass(self.currentEditor, MyFieldEditor.class);
    return YES;
  return NO;

  1. Create your MyFieldEditor class and override its paste: method
@interface MyFieldEditor : NSTextView

@implementation MyFieldEditor

- (void)paste:(id)sender
  // Get the pasted text.
  NSPasteboard *pasteboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
  NSString *text = [pasteboard stringForType:NSPasteboardTypeString];
  NSLog(@"Pasted: %@", text);

  // Set the pasted text. (optional)  
  [pasteboard clearContents];
  [pasteboard setString:@"Hello world" forType:NSPasteboardTypeString];

  // Perform the paste action. (optional)
  [super paste:sender];


All done! Now you can intercept every paste action.

Upvotes: 2

ByungBok Lee
ByungBok Lee

Reputation: 31

Overriding NSTextFieldCell and putting.

 @interface BPastTextView : NSTextView <NSTextViewDelegate>

 @class BPastTextFieldCell ;
 @interface BPastTextFieldCell : NSTextFieldCell



  #import "BPastTextFieldCell.h"

  @implementation BPastTextFieldCell

  - (NSTextView *)fieldEditorForView:(NSView *)controlView{
     BPastTextView *textView = [[BPastTextView alloc] init];
      return textView;

  @implementation BPastTextView

  - (void)keyDown:(NSEvent *)theEvent {

      bool bHandled = false;
      if ([theEvent modifierFlags] & NSEventModifierFlagCommand)
          NSResponder * responder = [[self window] firstResponder];
          if ((responder != nil) && [responder isKindOfClass[NSTextView class]])
              NSTextView * textView = (NSTextView *)responder;
              NSRange range = [textView selectedRange];
              bool bHasSelectedTexts = (range.length > 0);
              unsigned short keyCode = [theEvent keyCode];

              if (keyCode == 6)  //command + Z
                  if ([[textView undoManager] canUndo])
                      [[textView undoManager] undo];
                      bHandled = true;
              else if (keyCode == 7 && bHasSelectedTexts) // command + X
                  [textView cut:self];
                  bHandled = true;
              else if (keyCode== 8 && bHasSelectedTexts)  // command + C
                  [textView copy:self];
                  bHandled = true;
              else if (keyCode == 9)   // command + V
                  [textView paste:self];
                  bHandled = true;

      [super keyDown:theEvent];



Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 873

A nstextfield does not have copy and paste functions. Those are only found in nstextview. the catch is that when a textfield is edited it opens up a textview called a fieldeditor during the editing.

See my answer here:

NSTextField: exposing its Copy and Paste methods

Upvotes: -1


Reputation: 706

Here is what i use to detect paste in UITextField:

// Set this class to be the delegate of the UITextField. Now when a user will paste a text in that textField, this delegate will be called.
-(BOOL)textField:(UITextField *)textField shouldChangeCharactersInRange:(NSRange)range replacementString:(NSString *)string {

    // Here we check if the replacement text is equal to the string we are currently holding in the paste board
    if ([string isEqualToString:[UIPasteboard generalPasteboard].string]) {

        // code to execute in case user is using paste

    } else {

        // code to execute other wise

    return YES;

Upvotes: -2

Mark Alldritt
Mark Alldritt

Reputation: 697

You could use the NSTextFieldDelegate delegate method - (BOOL) control:(NSControl*) control textView:(NSTextView*) textView doCommandBySelector:(SEL) commandSelector and watch for the paste: selector.

Upvotes: 3

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