Reputation: 215
I`m trying to create a mail merge for attendence certificates that brings in an attendence value from an excell spreadasheet.
The attendence column in the spreasheet will hold either a two digit numerical value or blank.
I would like it to display the attendence percentage if there is a value, else display nothing.
The logic in the mailmerge is {If { MERGEFIELD Attendance} = "[0-9]*", "{MERGEFIELD Attendance}", ""}
Could anyone tell me where I am going wrong?
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Views: 1829
Assuming Attendance holds the percentage (e.g. is 03 for 3%), use { IF "{ MERGEFIELD Attendance}" = "??" "{ ={ MERGEFIELD Attendance } }%" }. You can get rid of some of the quotes and spacing in there if you prefer, but AFAICR you need at least one of the spaces around the "=".
i.e. you can't use regex wildcards (not even the Word version of regex wildcards). The only wildcards allowed here AFAIK are "?" and "*", and you can only use "*" at one end of the expression.
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