Reputation: 19278
I'm trying to use these icons for my site. I already downloaded bootstrap, and have a bootstrap.css
file. If I download all of bootstrap, it messes my site up, so I downloaded a customized version. I forgot to download the icons, so what I did was download a customized bootstrap with only the icons, and then copy and pasted that into my old bootstrap.css
file. However, the icon I was trying to use didn't work.
So then what I did was I tried moving my old bootstrap.css
file out of vendor/assets/stylesheets
and into vendor/assets
, and I put the new bootstrap.css
file (with only the icons styling) into vendor/assets/stylesheets
. When I did that, the icon still didn't show. So I removed the new bootstrap.css
file, and I put the old one back into vender/assets/stylesheets
. However... now none of the bootstrap styling works!!! I have no clue why that is!
I tried restarting my web server, clearing my cache, I checked to see if there is an assets folder in my public folder (because when there is I can't see css changes using localhost. something to do with compiling). None of it worked, and I still can't see any of the bootstrap styling in my localhost. When I use inspect element, I don't see the bootstrap styles being applied. I'm afraid to update the actual site, because I might loose the bootstrap styling. If you want me to update it so you can see it and help me and are confident that I won't lose the bootstrap styling, I'll trust you and do it. Let me know.
Sass::SyntaxError in Static_pages#home
Showing /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz/app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb where line #1 raised:
Invalid CSS after "...ground-position": expected ";", was ": center;"
(in /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz/app/assets/stylesheets/home.css.scss)
Extracted source (around line #1):
1: <%= stylesheet_link_tag "home", :media => "all" %>
2: <%= javascript_include_tag :application %>
3: <% provide(:title, 'Questions About College? CollegeANSWERZ') %>
Rails.root: /Users/adamzerner/collegeanswerz
Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace
app/views/static_pages/home.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_static_pages_home_html_erb__737002310770935096_70160250580000'
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Upvotes: 1
Views: 2501
Reputation: 501
If you are using ruby on rails, then you can use the bootstrap-sass gem.
gem 'bootstrap-sass'
and then start using it by adding
@import bootstrap;
to the css file under app/assets/stylesheets. You can have all the functions provided by bootstrap.
But if you still want the customized version, you can place the bootstrap css files under app/assets/stylesheets and javascript files under app/assets/javascripts and images under app/assets/images. You can download the missing images from bootstrap and then go to /img for the images.
Looking at your error logs and the css you have provided in the comment. You have forgotten the semicolon after the background-image: url("glyphicons-halflings.png");
Upvotes: 1