
Reputation: 5248

Delete local Git branches after deleting them on the remote repo

I want to have my local and remote repositories always in sync in terms of branches.

After a Pull Request review on GitHub, I merge and remove my branch there (remote). How could I fetch this information in my local repository and get Git to remove my local version of the branch as well?

Upvotes: 191

Views: 80175

Answers (12)

Bill Menees
Bill Menees

Reputation: 2464

I wanted a PowerShell implementation like amaechler's answer, but I also wanted the git remote prune origin behavior and git prune-branches alias from Karl Wilbur's answer.

Adding remote prune was straightforward:

git remote prune origin; git branch -vv | Select-String -Pattern ': gone]' | %{($_ -split '\s+')[1]} | %{ git branch -d $_ }

Adding the prune-branches alias was more difficult. Due to the command line chaining by git, cmd, and PowerShell (with different quoting syntaxes), I couldn't get a single-line config alias command to work. However, if you execute the following three lines in a PowerShell console, then it will add the git prune-branches alias globally:

$command = "git remote prune origin; git branch -vv | Select-String -Pattern ': gone]' | %{(`$_ -split '\s+')[1]} | %{ git branch -d `$_ }"
$base64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($command))
git config --global alias.prune-branches "!powershell.exe -EncodedCommand $base64"

Note: If you're merging via squash commits, you'll need to change the -d parameter to -D in the last call to git branch. Otherwise, you'll get errors like The branch 'x' is not fully merged because squashing only preserves file changes not commit history. See this answer for more info.

Upvotes: 0


Reputation: 3773


git pull --prune

which deletes your local branch, if its corresponding remote branch is deleted.


The statement above is not that correct.

In fact, running git pull --prune will only REMOVE the remote-tracking branches such like


Then, you can run git branch -r to check the remote-tracking branches left on your machine. Suppose the left branches are:


which means the branch origin/fff is deleted.

So, after running git pull --prune, just run:

git branch --merged | grep -vFf <(git branch -r | cut -d'/' -f2-)

you can find out all the local branches which:

  1. have no correspoding remote branches any more;
  2. can be removed safely.

then, <the command above> | xargs git branch -d can delete all of them. So, the final command is:

git branch --merged | grep -vFf <(git branch -r | cut -d'/' -f2-) | xargs git branch -d

Upvotes: 82


Reputation: 935

For people using powershell, this is the equivalent to the answer above:

git branch -vv | Select-String -Pattern ': gone]' | ForEach-Object{($_ -split "\s+")[1]} | %{ git branch -D $_ }
  1. Filter all the branches that are marked as gone
  2. Call git branch -D on each of the found branches (using -D to delete a branch irrespective of its merged status).

Upvotes: 22

Joshua Schlichting
Joshua Schlichting

Reputation: 3450

In the event that you've just pushed and merged your branch to master, then do the following in git bash:

git branch -d branch_name_to_delete

If you're currently in that branch it will push you back to master. At this point do a pull with

git pull

Upvotes: 7


Reputation: 577

I just do that to remove merged local branches:

git branch -d $(git branch --merged)

and in case you want to remove inexistent trackings too:

git pull --prune

Upvotes: 2


Reputation: 3193

I use the same flow with GitHub, and didn't find the previous answers satisfying me, as git branch --merged lists branches which were merged, but not every of them was removed remotely in my case. So, this worked for me:

git fetch --all -p; git branch -vv | grep ": gone]" | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d


  • git fetch --all -p: update local branches status
  • git branch -vv: list local branches status
  • grep ": gone]": filter deleted ones
  • awk '{ print $1 }': extract their names
  • xargs -n 1 git branch -d: pass the name to the delete command

Note: if you prefer, you could use -D instead of -d, which enforces the delete.

For example:

someUsr@someHost:~/repo$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master

someUsr@someHost:~/repo$ git fetch --all -p; git branch -vv | grep ": gone]" | awk '{ print $1 }' | xargs -n 1 git branch -d
Fetching origin
Deleted branch integration-for-tests (was fbc609a).
Deleted branch playground-for-tests (was 584b900).

someUsr@someHost:~/repo$ git branch -a
* master
remotes/origin/HEAD -> origin/master



Upvotes: 117


Reputation: 5248

The quick way

git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

NB: if you're not on master, this has the potential to delete the branch. Keep reading for the "better way".

Make sure we keep master

You can ensure that master, or any other branch for that matter, doesn't get removed by greping for more. In that case you would go:

git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | grep -v "YOUR_BRANCH_TO_KEEP" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

So if we wanted to keep master, develop and staging for instance, we would go:

git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | grep -Ev "(\*|master|develop|staging)" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Make this an alias

Since it's a bit long, you might want to add an alias to your .zshrc or .bashrc. Mine is called gbpurge (for git branches purge):

alias gbpurge='git branch --merged | grep -Ev "(\*|master|develop|staging)" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d'

Then reload your .bashrc or .zshrc:

. ~/.bashrc


. ~/.zshrc

Upvotes: 198


Reputation: 35815

I've written this one-liner to list all local branches which do not have corresponding remote branch:

diff -u <(git branch|sed 's/..//') <(git branch -r|sed 's/..origin\///')|tail -n +4|sed -n "s/^-//p" -

After this done, deleting these local branches is easy with xargs:

diff -u <(git branch|sed 's/..//') <(git branch -r|sed 's/..origin\///')|tail -n +4|sed -n "s/^-//p" -|xargs -r git branch -d

Upvotes: 1

Karl Wilbur
Karl Wilbur

Reputation: 6217

None of this was working for me. You can see my other answer here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/34969726/550454

But essentially, I now have this in my ~/.gitconfig:

  prune-branches = !git remote prune origin && git branch -vv | grep ': gone]' | awk '{print $1}' | xargs -r git branch -d

Upvotes: 7



Very simple solution: remove your local repo and clone the remote one anew. May not seem very elegant, but it is simple and you'll understand exactly what you're doing without reading man pages :-).

Upvotes: 13


Reputation: 341

This should work to avoid deleting the master and development branches with the accepted solution:

git branch --merged | egrep -v "^\*|master|development" | xargs -n 1 git branch -d

Upvotes: 24

Hemen Kapadia
Hemen Kapadia

Reputation: 1

The voted answer does have the potential to delete master. Consdier the below practical example.

I had two feature branches hemen_README and hemen_BASEBOX which were merged into develop, and then develop was merged into master. The feature branches hemen_README and hemen_BASEBOX were deleted remotely but were still showing up locally. Also i am not on master locally, but on develop.

In that case

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
    * develop                      671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        hemen_BASEBOX                a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
        hemen_README                 ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
        master                       8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
        remotes/origin/develop       671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        remotes/origin/hemen_BASEBOX a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
        remotes/origin/hemen_README  ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
        remotes/origin/master        2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)

So if i run the above partial command

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch --merged | grep -v "\*"

Notice that it shows master too, which will eventually be deleted.

In any case I was able to do it. I am sharing my session log with you on how I achieved that.

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git remote prune origin --dry-run
    Pruning origin
    URL: [email protected]:hemenkapadiapublic/vagrant-webdev.git
     * [would prune] origin/hemen_BASEBOX
     * [would prune] origin/hemen_README
    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git remote prune origin 
    Pruning origin
    URL: [email protected]:hemenkapadiapublic/vagrant-webdev.git
     * [pruned] origin/hemen_BASEBOX
     * [pruned] origin/hemen_README

I just checked whay will be pruned and then pruned it. looking at branch command below we have taken care of remotes

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
    * develop                671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        hemen_BASEBOX          a535c0f added global exec paths to puppet manifest
        hemen_README           ba87489 Updated Readme with considerable details
        master                 8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
        remotes/origin/develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        remotes/origin/master  2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)

Now go ahead and delete local branches

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -d hemen_BASEBOX 
    Deleted branch hemen_BASEBOX (was a535c0f).
    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -d hemen_README
    Deleted branch hemen_README (was ba87489).

Good now the branches are as desired.

    hemen@hemen-MXC061:~/data/projects/vagrant-webdev$ git branch -v -a
    * develop                671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        master                 8980894 [behind 7] Initial Vagrantfile, works for vagrant up. Also initial .gitignore
        remotes/origin/develop 671ad6c Merged in hemen_README (pull request #1)
        remotes/origin/master  2f093ce Merged in develop (pull request #3)

Upvotes: -2

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